Essential Oils for Bacterial Vaginosis

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Mags (Cedar Rapids) on 04/22/2017
5 out of 5 stars

I have been battling BV for about 6 years. I have tried everything. Out of frustration I decided to use essential oils to try and help. I have many and thought I would start with a few combinations and see if I can get something that works. I took a douche bottle amd added 3 drop 100% grapefruit oil, 3 drops 100% tea tree oil and 3 drops 20% frankincense. I filled the douche with tap water, shook the bottle and then used the product. I have had no signs of BV, no drying, and no itching. I used it directly after sex with my husband, my symptoms are usually much worse after that. But, again, I have no symptoms. I am hoping this works long term and if I can help anyone else who is dealing with this than I am happy.
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Barbara (New York) on 03/12/2012
5 out of 5 stars

I'm recently dealing with BV and wanted to share the treatment that my MD, who is also a naturopath, prescribed: purchase a natural sea sponge from the health food store (I found them at whole foods being sold as "cosmetic" sponge), then cut it to tampon sized pieces. Get the highest quality you can find of Thyme and Frankincense essential oils and mix 2 drops Thyme oil 4 drops Frankincense oil in 10 drops Extra Virgin olive oil. Soak up the oil with the sea sponge (after you washed it thoroughly with antibacterial soap- the water also makes it very soft) then insert. Leave in for 2 hours, 2 x day. Repeat for 7 days.

I looked up the medicinal uses of these oils and they are for bacterial infections, inflammation, and regulating female hormonal system. I suspect that the hormone imbalance is the real root of the BV. It is working for me with 80% improvement after 4 days - though I think I will get the boric acid capsules and better probiotics tomorrow. I have also done a few days of alternating tea tree oil suppository and probiotic inserted at night but the oils are the only thing I have been doing consistently.