Check Your Toilet Paper for Bacterial Vaginosis

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Alex (Latin America) on 10/18/2020
5 out of 5 stars

Years ago, after eating kefir a couple of times, I got a severe case of vaginitis. It began with clear discharge and progressed to the point of making my underwear wet, and the smell was foul. I had to use a solution of 1:5 hydrogen peroxide and water. I only sprayed it on the labia while I showered, then rinsed after a minute. It was truly miraculous how quickly and effectively it worked. But, even after I realized kefir caused it and stopped eating it, I kept getting flare ups for years, so I had to use the hydrogen peroxide solution at least twice a month. Now, during the pandemic, I couldn't find the toilet paper I've been using for a while. This paper wasn't scented and didn't have any vitamins or aloe. It was plain. So during the pandemic, I bought a super cheap paper that was also plain, then after a couple of days all of my symptoms disappeared. They did return after I began eating coconut oil for a few days, but stopped immediately after I quit eating the oil, no need for the peroxide. I was very happy to discover that it was something external causing it. I hope this helps somebody else.