Apple Cider Vinegar Variations for Bacterial Vaginosis

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Jasmine (Kansas City) on 02/25/2017
5 out of 5 stars

So I've been getting BV off an on for the past few years. I would get a Rx from my doctor for Metronidazole Gel, which is inserted vaginally before bedtime for about a week and it worked like a charm everytime. Downside is it was $80 a pop! 😩 Also tried flagazole (not sure if I spelled that right) and it worked but developed a yeast infection as a result.

I came across home remedies to cure this God forsaken oder and came across ACV and baking soda. Tried both (separately)and they both seemed to do the trick.

For the baking soda I poured about a spoonful into my hand and washed my "area" with it in the shower. Then rinsed it off after approx. 3-5 mins. Next day I had no symptoms. Then decided to try the ACV, for this method I poured the ACV on my wash cloth and rubbed it in and around the area. Left it on for as long as I could stand the burning sensation which was about 2 mins then washed it off. I know other methods suggest oral intake of water mixed with ACV or baking but I didn't drink it. Just wanted to inform of other methods. Hope this helps you guys. Good luck!!!

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Unique (Woodbury) on 01/14/2017
5 out of 5 stars

Yes! I keep spray bottle of acv close to bathroom but not in it...acv sitting in bathroom may cause "it" to grow bacteria in it.... Just spraying it on tissue and dabbing it around to vaginal area then drying area works....anyone suffering needs to try it.
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Nynia77 (Chicago, Il) on 02/09/2016
5 out of 5 stars

I have been suffering for BV for 7 years and after several trips to the doctor and numerous prescriptions of antibiotics, my BV would not go away. I tried the peroxide douche, peroxide tampon, drinking baking soda water, tampon with tea tree oil, tampon with yogurt, tea tree soap. nothing seem to work! The smell is horrible and embarrassing, so I had to do something. I just could not be around people because I thought they would smell it . My social life as well as my personal life were ruined. I was at my wits end and very desperate for a cure or to even get rid of the smell, so I could at least get part of my life back.

I did some research and decided to try Apple Cider Vinegar (mother), boric acid capsules, probiotics, folic acid, multivitamins, eliminated sugar from my diet.

First thing in the morning, I would drink 1 tablespoon of Apple Cider Vinegar (diluted with a little water). Then, I would take one probiotic pill and after I eat something I take the multivitamin and the folic acid pill. Next, I insert one capsule of Boric Acid (vaginally). I only do this before I go to bed. I also eat healthier. I eat a lot of salads , vegetables and limited fruit.

It has only been a couple days, but so far so good.

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Anonymous (Mcminnville, Tn) on 07/12/2015
5 out of 5 stars

Hello all. Just wanted to share I have been struggling with bv for almost 2 years now on and off since my son was born. I am 32. I tried the tea tree oil tampons and got some relief but not cured. Hydrogen peroxide only made my symptoms worse. I have taken Flagyl and other antibiotics but they only gave me a yeast infection.

Last night I mixed Apple Cider Vinegar with distilled water bc tap water has chlorine and bottled water has other chemicals. Mix 50/50 % I duche'd. With that mix and then using an insert I pushed 1000mg Vit C pill as far up my vagina as I could get it. You must wear a pad and the Vit C must be done over night. This morning "No smell! Burn gone! Itch gone! " and yes this was overnight. I will continue this regimen for 3 days just to make sure all bacteria is gone.

This remedy does burn a little bit especially if you have a bad infection. But it was well worth it. 1 day and I am cured of symptoms. I knknow everyone's bodynamic is different but since I have tried so many of these other remedies and they didn't work just thought I'd be selfish if I didn't share this. :-:-) Thank you

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Sara (Washington, DC) on 01/20/2015
5 out of 5 stars

I have been suffering from BV for almost 10 long years. Ladies I know what you have all been going through. It has completely ruined my personal Life!

I have tried everything under the sun including numerous antibiotics, that always seemed to make it work. With doctors lack of knowledge makes it that much harder. I have been a repeat BV forum hoping the next time I'm on someone will have found something new. Low and behold, I have combined a couple things, the only things I haven't tried just to overload it and wipe it out. I think I finally have!!

Ok... So Before I went to work I took a tampon saturated it about 20 drops of Tea Tree Oil. I did not use an oil base, just the tea tree. (has a cooling effect for a while, that is normal) I kept it in for about 4 hours and took it out. That night when I got home I inserted a 500mg Vitamin C before I went to bed. I woke up and douched with natural Apple Cider Vinegar.

It has been 3 days and absolutely nothing! No smell, no discharge, no gunk. I am so relieved, I will be using this method once a week just to maintain. I am deathly afraid of it coming back so I am taking no chances.

I know how frustrating and depressing this condition is. I really hope this works you ladies, again, I have been suffering from BV for about 10 years. This is truly a miracle!!!! Let me know how this works out for you, I hope to hear many success stories!

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Tiff (Ontario, Canada) on 05/27/2014
5 out of 5 stars

I have been getting BV after repeatedly for the last year. I did try douching but it didn't keep the BV away for long. But I did mix lemon and Apple cider vinegar together in a spray bottle and spray my lower region every time I use the washroom (and before I go to bed). I have cured myself (Thank you Jesus). I don't smell or itch after my period or after sex.
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Daphne (Memphis, Tennessee) on 07/13/2012
5 out of 5 stars

For me what has worked is to take non filtered apple cider vinegar, coconut oil, and acidophilus orally on a daily bases. Each of these are best in its most natural form. Any organic non-filtered vinegar will work. Coconut oil, I order online from tropical traditions. But again, any organic virgin coconut oil will do. I'm not a big fan of yogurt, so acidophilus it is. I like natural factors brand that I get from whole foods.... Think vitamin shop sells it too. Also for the vinegar, if you can't stand the taste of it, you can do vinegar pills too. But the actual vinegar is best. 1/4 cup of vinegar, 2-4 acidophilus, and 1-2 tablespoons of coconut oil. I do it first thing in the mornings to get it over with.

Unfortunately this is an on going remedy. BV will go away, but will return eventually, if you stop taking them. I did this consistently for about 6 months, however I noticed results within a week. I continued to do it inconsistently for the remaining year. Stopped taking it for a while. 2 years later, it has returned. So needless to say, I'm back on it. But the added plus about the above remedy, is that you will start to loose weight, and if you struggle with acne, like I use to, that will go away, my used to be painful sometimes irregular periods were now regular and pain free, in addition to being BV free. And they are all perfectly safe and nutritionally good for you. They each include daily things that your body is lacking from a standard American diet.

BV easily develops in people who often take antibiotics. Every time a round of antibiotics is taken, the body's immune system is weakened. So our body use to be able to naturally protect itself from this bacteria. But over the years, the American diet lacks in nutrition that supports the body to help fight off infections and diseases. In fact our diets and overuse of antibiotics may be contributing to making our body's worse at not being able to fight off these infections. The vinegar helps to naturally balance ph levels, and has good bacteria our bodies need... That's the cloudy brown stuff (mother) that settles at the bottom of the bottle. Be sure to shake it up to make sure you getting that in your body. The coconut oil is a natural anti fungal, anti viral, anti bacterial oil. Don't be concerned with it being fat. It's natural fat that the body needs that actually helps you to burn stored fat. I know it sounds crazy, but it works. Look it up, research them each, you'll be surprised at the wonderful things they can help with. Acidophilus of course has the good bacteria to help replenish the ones that we naturally have in the vagina in order to fight off BV. I hope this helps. Feel free to email me if anyone has questions about the remedy. God Bless you all and I look forward to hearing more success stories!

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Lily (Bishopville, South Carolina) on 01/01/2011
5 out of 5 stars

After reading several posts, I stumbled across Apple cider vinegar for bacterial vaginosis. I've had it for about one year now. Flagyl worked at first. But it returned. So, I chewed a tablet of acidophilus (2 billion CFU) and put it into my vagina. Then I diluted the ACV with water, drank a full cup. That had to be nastiest thing I've ever drank in my life. I then poured non-diluted ACV some onto a cloth and a wiped my va jay jay. It's been about 72hrs. It's gone. No smell, no discharge, no nothing.
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Jo Ann (Pearl City, Hawaii) on 07/15/2008
5 out of 5 stars

I have had BV for the last 40 years. The first 30 were misdiagnosed by several gynocologists. They all told me I had a yeast infection. About 10 years ago, my OB/GYN told me I had Bacterial Vaginosis and treated me with Flagyl. This got rid of my problem but only temporarily. BV plagued me 3-4 times a year. Each time I took Flagyl. Throughout the 40 years, I douched almost daily to control the smelly fishy odor. I knew douching so often was probably making the BV worse but I was desperate. Then, a few days ago I found your site and read the many positive comments about folic acid.I purchased a bottle and began taking 800 mcg twice a day. I also douched using 1 teaspoon of apple cider vinegar. By Saturday, the odor and discharge were gone. I plan to continue taking 800 mcg 2 times per day for the next 2 weeks and maintain one 800 mcg per day thereafter. I can't believe this inexpensive supplement and apple cider vinegar got rid of my BV after 40 miserable years of Bacterial Vaginosis!!! A big mahalo (thank you) to Earth Clinic for making this valuable information available to women who suffer with BV and other health issues.
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Christy (Port Angeles, Washington) on 04/20/2008
5 out of 5 stars

I have had BV since the birth of my daughter 3 years ago. I Have taken many antibiotics and nothing has worked. I looked on one of those websites about cures for BV and I paid 30$ for the e-book. It said to douche with Apple Cider Vinegar and to tak a probiotic pill and insert it in as a suppository into your vagina. I do this about 2 times a week at night and I haven't had any symptoms since.
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