Multiple Remedies for Bacterial Vaginosis

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Angie (Charlotte, North Carolina) on 02/11/2014
5 out of 5 stars

Please try plain yogurt with live cultures. Get some tampons, take the tampon out of the plastic covering, dip the cotton portion in the yogurt, insert in vagina. This works! Change the tampon every hour. You may have to do it for 3-4 days. Good luck!

Alice (Green Bay, Wi) on 01/29/2013
5 out of 5 stars

Hi ladies, I discovered I had BV after my Femring started turning brown and had a horrible sour odor... I called the company and they told me I had a defective ring and replaced it. The new ring started doing the same thing and I thought, this has to be me and not the ring.

My BV infection was mild, but I'll share what worked for me..

Empty and rinse a disposible douche. Add 1 drop of Tea Tree oil, 1/2 of the contents of a garlic capsule, and 1 TBSP. Of 3% hydrogen peroxide - found in the first aid section of the store. Fill with warm water and douche in the morning.

At night take the contents of 1 probiotic capsule and add 1-2 drops of water to make a paste. Instert the paste with your finger before bed. It is not necessary to get it all in there.

Repeat these steps for 5 -7 days depending on how severe the infection is.

The Tea Tree oil and garlic kill the bad bacteria, the hydrogen peroxide balances your ph levels, and the probiotic feeds the good bacteria.

The douche can be used as a maintenance measure and I do it once every 3 months when I change my femring. If you are still getting your periods you may want to do it after your cycle ends.

BV free for over a year! Good Luck to all.


Omg This Sucks (Minneapolis, Minnesota) on 11/12/2012
5 out of 5 stars

Douche five nights in a row with 30ml of 3% hydrogen peroxide

Take 400-800 mg of Folic Acid a day in two doses

Use orally for the active ingredients Fhamnosus GR-1 and Reuteri RC -14.

It also advises the usual things like getting plenty of sleep, reducing stress, eating whole foods and omega 3s, exercising, and taking vitamins A, B, C, D, and E. It says to avoid Iron supplements, alcohol, caffeine, smoking, sugar, processed foods, and saturated fats. Good luck!!


Love (Raleigh, Nc) on 10/28/2012
5 out of 5 stars

I have stoped using tampons & started using pads!!!!! I drink plenty of water and I don't eat as much white bread, which is hard not to eat bagels with cream cheese but I do eat in it moderation. I watch my sugars & fried foods. I used to get them monthly for no reason, I was even told I was too clean during a visit to my GYN?? I stopped getting the (Metro/Flagyl) medication from the health department & went to a different facility to filled my Rx. My last and final time the pills were newer & fresher if that makes any sense.

Shomabe (Sheffield, Uk) on 09/12/2012
5 out of 5 stars

I too suffered with this for nearly a year and a half. I had various treatments including antibiotics for 5 days and also one dose of 5 tablets at once I also tried the internal creams but nothing cleared it completely. However, each treatment seemed to make it a little better each time. I did the common mistake of washing like mad with soap and this made the discharge worse. I finally got rid of it by going to my gp and asking for the 5 day course of metronidazole antibiotics and metronidazole gel as this worked better than the cream. I had aqueous cream to wash my vaginal area in the shower. I just put loads of this onto a flannel the same as I would shower gel as it is not perfumed. I also took 3 dried capsules of acidophilus in the morning with a yoghurt, 1 folic acid tablet and one of the dissolvable vitamin c tablets. I recently needed to have a smear done and while I was there I got the nurse to swab me for bv and the result came back clear..... Finally! :-). I hope this remedy helps anyone else unlucky enough to suffer with this as I know it's sooooo difficult to get rid of. Please let me know if it works for you.
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Hopeful29 (Bronx, Ny, USA) on 08/17/2012
5 out of 5 stars

For the past few weeks I have been taking 3-4 acidophilus capsules (3 billion live cultures), 3 b-complex vitamin with Vit C and folic acid in the morning. I also try to do 3 vagina flushes consisting of mostly water (up to the first ring on the disposable douche bottle) the rest I fill with ACV (1st flush) H2o2 (2nd Flush) and 5-10 tea tree oil drops (depending on how I feel). I have been neglectful with the nightime regime of taking the capsules/vitamins

I have been w/o pantyliners and my underwear has remained dry from discharge (I still experience discharge as far as seeing it with my handheld mirror, but the feeling of it coming down I dont experience it at the momemt (knock on wood literally and figuratively speaking).

my first regime of just 2 probiotics 2 vitamins in the day and one/one at night and h202 vagina flushes didnt yield results like the above. I really hope that my take on things helps someone because this BV thing has plagued me since 13. The first antibotic treatment helped (early 2000s I was happy, but it came back) thought I was doomed. Next treatment feb 2011 (while pregnant nothing) last doctor I mentioned it to said it was in my head (I could have slapped her. Im just glad that I can read and was able to find Earthclinic and other little blogs that shared their insight


Marina (Grants Pass, Or) on 03/04/2012
5 out of 5 stars

My story is similar to Rs from San Carlos, Ca on 06/29/2010 I initially missed the boric acid remedy for BV. After a 5 month battle I've been posting under: the HYDROGEN PEROXIDE, FOLIC ACID, ACIDOPHILUS remedy as "better but not cured". I was getting results but did not feel NORMAL. Now, I am a YEA under multiple remedies because for me the addition of BORIC ACID finally bumped me into the - I FEEL CURED position and now I have a long-term remedy!

There is a dosage recommendation via a midwife farther down in this boric acid thread that is consistent with recommendations I have read by 'BV specialists' - Ask the pharmacist at a drug store for boric acid powder and self-fill veggie or gelatin capsules. Only fill the larger side of the capsule for 600 mg & cap with small side. Google for specifics, it's easy.

We are all different so it may take some time to figure out which products you need to use and realizing not all products are equal or that not all probiotics have the same strains. It can get expensive but I tried a few probiotics until I could tell/feel it was working. Find what works for you.

I felt like my BV was close to stable for the last month by using HYDROGEN PEROXIDE, FOLIC ACID, ACIDOPHILUS until I added Boric Acid to my mix because of an itchy yeast infection. Adding in the BA was like an ahhhh FINALLY! A DIFFERENCE!!! It sounds weird but it's like I feel differently throughout my body. I actually feel HAPPY and not depressed. I feel like my whole vagina region is clean, fresh and will remain so because I have the right defenses.


Marina (Grants Pass, Oregon) on 03/02/2012
5 out of 5 stars

This is long but I am experiencing RESULTS!!! I have been battling BV for the last 5 months and am just now gaining control over this HORRIBLE and gross condition. 5 months ago I started with only Hydrogen-Peroxide Vag-washes and they work GREAT like a miracle for eliminating the odor immediately but it ONLY lasts for a few days. It kept coming back a little worse every few weeks until I almost vomited from my smell after sex one night. H2O2 is not a cure for BV but is part of the solution.

At the beginning of the year I got serious about beating this BV, I was super depressed AND I felt miserable with itching, burning and internal PAIN. I started a 10 day treatment & added a multivitamin with folic acid and a good probiotic with acidophilus both orally and vaginally, daily. I had to try different versions until I found the right ones for me. Orally I take Probiotic CD caplets (not good for inserting): it also contains strains: L. Plantarum, L. Rhamnosus, L. Salivarius, L casei & S. Thermophilus which were found to help correct BV in a study with Tori Hudson, ND. Her version femecology has some of these strains which I now use vaginally b/c the caplets form I take orally causes a messy discharge hours after inserting.

I have been monitoring my hooch and odor constantly for months. Hormones, blood and another's DNA/skin each change the pH of my vagina. I thought I had cleared my BV after 1 month of treatment but it came back ever so slightly after my period. That is when I read initial treatment should last 4 months & that menses wrecks pH if you are weak. I also felt like from time to time the probiotics were causing slight but unpleasant yeast imbalances. After my last period ended I did 2 nights H2O2 vag-washes followed by pro-b in the V. I could smell the slightest hint of BV at the tip of my finger. 4 days after switching off femdolphilus any faint smell of BV seemed to clear but my outer area started itching like MAD = yeast!!! When this imbalance occurred I was going insane after 5 minutes. I decided to give the boric acid method a whirl.

NEW ADDITION: Boric Acid capsules. Boric acid has been known to correct both BV and yeast infections. I am dealing with both. Read up about medicinal uses of boric acid and what boric acid is before you freak out about the word acid. Lemon juice and vinegar are both citric acids. Vitamin C is ascorbic acid.

In the afternoon I went to a local pharmacy and asked for boric acid powder and also purchased 00 empty capsules. My case is currently mild and on the mend IMO. As soon as I walked in the door I filled two capsules and popped em' in my hooch with a little bit of coconut oil & an all cotton organic tampon. I felt better almost immediately but for sure almost amazing in 1 hour. I then mixed grapeseed oil as my base and then added a few drops of calendula, tea tree, clove and oregano oils. I then added in boric acid to make a paste, then filled 3 capsules. I removed the tampon (the stuff leaks at this dose) & took a shower then unexpectedly had sex. No smell at all, no pain. There was a teeny amt. Grit on his willy but he didn't seem to notice (hopefully this will help him too!!! ????)) After sex I popped 1 of my oil & BA mix capsules & a femecology pro-b into my V. Within minutes I instantly felt FRESH. Like the freshest I have felt in 5 months. For the next hour I felt clean and normal for the first time in MONTHS and the feeling lasted until I fell asleep. I felt amazed. I wore a pad to bed, some discharge, this morning, no smell, no itches. I inserted another cap and again I feel so fresh and normal again it is amazing.

I finally feel like I have the upper hand. I finally feel clean. I finally feel normal. I finally feel like I have a way to reestablish balance.

My intention is 3 nights of my mixed caps in the V for the yeast itches & then stop. You are not suppose to use it continually for long periods and I want to use it during menses in a week. I make fresh caps with my oil mixture and will do one at night during my period for the next 4 cycles. I will more than likely also insert my new mix caps with a pro-b after sex. I may make a mix of all three.

The way boric acid kills roaches and other soft skeleton bugs is it ultimately dehydrates them which causes death - that is different than death by poisoning, however do not ingest BA with the hopes of better results. Keep out of reach for children and pets.

Some women complained that the straight homemade BA caps caused burning after 3 days. This was my reasoning for cutting my dose by adding good medicinal oils that may also help fight the fight and prevent this inflammation. I also feel my case is very mild now after 2 months of working on correcting the situation. I must say though, the BA feels like my biggest breakthrough with BV yet.


Nicole (New York, Ny) on 08/09/2011
5 out of 5 stars

I suffered from BV on and off for 6 years. I got it after a miscarriage which led to me bleeding and spotting for a period of 3 months. I also went on birth control at that time which increased the bleeding. My hormones were out of whack and taking Flagyl only worked for a short period of time. Every doctor I went to didn't know how to stop me from bleeding and this resulted in me smelling like fish 24/7. I cried every day! I knew people could smell me and I hated myself. I looked at other women and for some reason envied their vagina.. lol (stupid but valid at the time).

After years of trying Flagyl, acidophilus, douches, potions, and spells.. I tried Gy-Na-Tren( You can get it at Whole Foods, GNC, or the Vitamin Shoppe if you're in NYC). It took away the smell right away, however, I still had discharge and violent itching when it was finished ( I think it might have been thrush). I decided to try Gy-Na-Tren again and also take 1 Acidopilus (PR8 brand), 1 Rainbow Light Candida Cleanse (Also at the same places I found the Gy-Na-Tren), 1 Multivitamin, and Sublingual b12 which contains folic acid. I take these every morning. I have been BV free for a long time with no discharge or smell!

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Rose (Durham, North Carolina, United States) on 07/26/2011
5 out of 5 stars

Hello my name is Rose,

I have been battling "BV" for a few years now. In the beginning I would say that I was ignorant about the infection itself. I went to the doctors not knowing what this terrrible odor could be. I began getting BV after I became sexually active. I am not proned to getting yeast infections and do not know what it feels like to have one, but for some strange reason my body is inclined to getting Bacterial Vaginosis.

I have done extensive research on this bacterial infection and I have tryed every cure in the book, well almost. Very clean people can get BV, and I'm assuming that of course people with poor hygiene can get it as well. After being treated with anti-biotics, I came to the realization that the root of this problem was deeper than I thought. The anti-biotics would only cure me for about 7 months and then I'd be back to the clinic for more. Pity. I got depresed and I've even cryed a few times but I wouldn't give up on a natural cure.

Unfortunately, BV will most-likely continue to come back because I took anti-biotics for this infection at least 5 times. I think that the bacteria develop an immunity to the anti-biotics or a sort of resistance. My theory is that if we continue to cure our infections using natural remedies, not only will we kill the BV, but we'll also make our bodies stronger keeping BV away for longer periods of time and then eventually getting rid of this disgusting infection for good. Also, we must try to keep BV away on our own. My BV comes when I am on my menstrual cycle (sometimes) and when I have sex (if I don't use a condom). Both sperm and blood create alkaline envirornments. This is very harmful for our vaginas because our vaginas are meant to stay acidic. An Acidic envirornment is what kills harmful bacteria in the vagina. My tips for keeping the vagina acidic and aiding the vagina in keeping out alkaline fluids are:

  1. After sex, (if not using a condom) sit on the toilet and allow all sperm to flow out
  2. Shower after sex being cautious not get soap into the vagina
  3. Using a soap that is either acidic (cranberry or lemon) (can purchase at whole foods) or that is non scented
  4. Keeping non scented wipes to use while on menstrual cycle for frequent wiping
  5. Changing pads or tampons regularly (every 3 1/2 to 4 hours)
  6. Purchasing a syringe to rinse out the vagina
These are the cures that worked for me: Mixing two lemons (highly acidic) and a little apple cidar vinegar together. You will have to cut the lemons and empty the juice into a small container. Keep the container sealed and in the fridge. (Keep the syringe in a clean area and rinse with very hot water after use. After showering (while I'm still in the shower with the water running) I suck the mixture up until the surrenge is full, I insert it into the vagina, and I push the liquid up and out of the syringe. The syringe I'm refering to is the one that looks like it's meant for a needle. I guess it can be used for giving babies medicine. I am not a huge fan of douching and I've never douched before. I don't think that this technique is what one would call douching. The syringe only goes but so far but after two days or so the BV seems to die off. My discharge has that pure smell again and I feel much cleaner. I hope this works for women out there who can't seem to find anything that works. I would love to hear feedback from anyone who finds this tip helpful. Also, combining remedies is certainly more effective than just trying one at a time. For instance, I took probiotics at one time and combined it with a yogurt, berberine, and lemon mixture; that worked but I feel that the lemon/apple cidar vinegar attempt is better and quicker. Thanks for readin
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