Multiple Remedies for Bacterial Vaginosis

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Sissy (Fort Worth, US) on 01/04/2008
1 out of 5 stars

Try to get the Veggie capsules for the boric acid suppositories... the gelatin capsules do not melt as well. I have had BV for three years now and I have been on antibiotics about six diffrent times and nothing has worked...I have used garlic, acidophillus, yeast arrest, tea tree oil and nothing has worked. The boric acid helps with the smell but I still have a lot of discharge. I have read a lot about the folic acid so I am going to get some tomorrow and start trying that. I have literally spent over 1000 dollars on different medicines and doctor visits trying to cure this and nothing has worked. I will let you all know if the folic acid works for me. I have faith that one day I will get rid of this. I have also been depressed about it and have cried. Stay strong ladies.

Shannon (Richmond, California) on 08/06/2007
1 out of 5 stars

I am glad to have found this site. I AM NOT ALONE. I have suffered from BV for at least five years and nothing has worked. Flagyl, metrogel, clindamyacin, I've tried it all. I just went to the store when I read about the folic acid and I got some. I don't know if there is any relief as of yet but I'll keep ya posted. God I hope this works!!!

ulie (Raleigh, NC) on 03/01/2004
1 out of 5 stars

Folic acid, acidophilus, hydrogen peroxide, tee tree oil, garlic and ACV have not worked for me at all. I have taken all of the gels and creams from the doctors too. I have suffered from BV for two years and there seems to be no end in site. As you all know it is very frustrating. In reading commits about Folic Acid it appears that women commented instantly after taking it, I would like to know if it worked long term. I did notice a change in my discharge hours after taking folic acid, but my BV was back to it's old self w/in a day. I am still taking it and acidophilus in hopes something will change! I would appreciate any feedback.

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