Hydrogen Peroxide, Folic Acid, Acidophilus for Bacterial Vaginosis

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Finally relieved (Houston , Texas) on 04/08/2009:
5 out of 5 stars

Hey Ladies!!! I have to say that I was very leary of the idea of puttung hydrogen peroxide in my special places but I was at the end of my rope. With no insurance and very little money, I had no choice but to figure something out on my own. I tried the 1/2&1/2 douche and I took 1600mg of folic acid and 800 mg of Acidophilus (not refridgerated kind) and today is the next day and for the first time in years it is the middle of the work day and I STILL SMELL CLEAN!!! I feel like my old self again... There is hope out there you can get all of the stuff for under 20 dollars and you wil have relief!!! I just wanted to let you know that after 16 hours I already fell better than weeks of antiboitics and creams. Good Luck to you all there is still hope!!!

Shana (Brooklyn, New York) on 04/07/2009:
5 out of 5 stars

At age 15 I lost my virginity to a boy (didn't use protection). The day after that some malodorous and profuse discharge came out of my vagina. The discharge smelt like rotten garbage..so disgusting! I could smell it through my clothes(imaging going through High School with this problem). Went to the doc and he told me that i had trichomonasis. After this, BV has been attcking me every few months since then...today im 25 and has still been experiencing BV's vicious attacks. Up until 2 wks ago my doctor was still prescribing flagyl which is so disgusting. Flagyl worked for me until i had my period or until i had sex...so what was the point? I found this website and was very skeptical about the natural alternative. My BF kept asking for sex but if i can't stomach that disgusting fishy odor how could he? I got fed up and together we drove to the nearest CVS picked up folic acid, acidophilus, and hydrogen peroxide.
Step1: cleaned vagina with distilled water
step 2: mix 1/4 cup peroxide and some water
step 3: squirt solution up the vagina with a syringe(this can be found in pharmacy also)
step4: place 1 acidophilus tablet in vagina (as far as possible)
step 5: take 1 folic acid pill

Immediately the smell and discharge was gone. Im still in shock. 1 day after and I keep smelling for an odor, but there is none..i seriously feel like crying because i'm so happy. I feel like telling the whole world.


SATISFIED (PHILLY, PA) on 03/22/2009:
5 out of 5 stars

what i used is a douche with h202 hydrogen peroxide, acidophilus, folic acid, and warm water. I have a fresh clean smell coming from my body for the first time in 3 years. I will take the pills every day as per you ladies suggestions. I thank the Lord for bringing me to this site and for all of your testimonies. and i just did it about 5 hours ago!

Stacy (Bronx, New York) on 03/20/2009:
5 out of 5 stars

I am so thankful I found this site. I have been suffering with BV for about 1 year and it has been awful. I have spent hours searching the web for anything that could help, then I found this site with helpful info. I just came from my GYN and there are no signs of BV. I never would have been able to accomplish this without reading many many of these entries. I wasn't as strict as I should have been but this basically what I did. I started my day by taking 2 folic acid and 2 acidophilus. Then when I got home on Monday, Wednesday and Friday I would douche with 50/50 peroxide and water and sometimes open a acidolphilus capsule and add that to the douche. Then when I went to bed I would take 2 more folic acid and 2 more acidolphilus. I would also open a acidophilus capsule and pour that directly into the vagina. On Tuesday and Thursday I didn't douche. I began to just take the 1 of the folic acid and the acidophilus in the morning and the night. That is the basic regimen. After do this for about 3 weeks I just mixed and matched the procedure as I saw fit. If I thought I smelled anything I would immediately douche and the smell was gone. Yes, this is a lot to do but it is better then the horrible creams the doctor was prescribing. All they do is hide it for a short time. What makes me most happy is that I just came from the GYN told her everything I have been doing and I asked her to test me for BV. I am happy to report that she says everything seems to be normal. No yeast infection and no BV. I am so very grateful that I found this site and I am thankful to all of the women who have shared their stories. I don't know if I will ever get BV again, but if I do, I know what to do immediately. Everyone please keep sharing your stories and I will give updates of my status.

Ozena (New York, NY) on 03/06/2009:
1 out of 5 stars

I have used these remedies folic acid and the acv doche and the acidolphillus and I smell the same, someone gave me a STD years ago and I had sex with someone new protected and i think it through my system out of wack, I said wtf? is this? discharge fish smell? I went to the doctor and they gave me creamn and a pill and its the same, I feel bad depreesed how in the hell can I work with ppl knowing they smell my vagina that is plain nasty and thats how I feel, what man would want me and this? How do we go out in public and your vagina smells like catfish? The doctors should do more omg I used to be so happy go lucky before this and now? sad and lonely I smell bad, I wish yall luck but I think its over for me

Gina (Pensacola, FL) on 03/02/2009:
4 out of 5 stars

Hello friends/sisters in BV,

like everyone else, i have suffered with BV for about 12 years and have gone through all the antibiotic treatments, without a cure. Until i found this site, i had always felt alone and that no one could understand me, not even my sisters or bestfriends..it was my dirty secret, i was in tears when i found this site and read other stories of never being able to spontaneously have sex with anyone, always douching, always wearing tampons because of the disgusting discharge and odor...but then i found this site about 3 months!!!THANK GOD...I bought the folic acid and acido pills AND I douched with the peroxide AND betadine...i went for an all out assault and attack against my vagina!!!!! It was a miracle, i was clean and fresh for the first time in over 10 years....i am not completely cured of this plague BUT...the foul odor is completely gone, the discharge is minimal, and the only thing that i do to maintain this is to take the folic acid and acidophilus pills AND perform the douche..once every 2 weeks...AND I'M HAPPY !!! Like other women, i notice that it is worst during my menstrual, so i always do this afterwards. THANK YOU SO MUCH TO EVERYONE WHO HAS SHARED HER STORY....
Gina in Florida


Carolyn (Boise, Idaho) on 02/06/2009:
3 out of 5 stars

Worked Temporarily

I tried the peroxide douche, the acidophillous pills and the folic acid. It worked for the first couple days and I was in shock. But then the smell came back. My period started, but I kept doing what I was doing which caused me to get a very bad urinary tract infection. I took the acidophillous pills vaginally and I noticed they were not disolving as I thought they would. Perhaps that is what caused the UTI.

Since then I have been trying to figure out anything that works. One day this last weekend I smelled so bad I ended up doing 3 peroxide douches, plus 4 acidophillous pills. I honestly think you can overdo it.

Now, I take a bath and pour apple cider vinegar in the water. I open up my vagina to let the water sort of wash in and out. I then take 2 folic acid pills in the morning and night. I also have gotten acidophillous that was from a health store that is stored in the refrigerator. I take one in the morning and night. I may start to do one during the middle of the day as I notice my underwear get wet and then start to smell.

I found at least at this very moment that the peroxide cleaned me out right as I douched but the smell would come back fairly quickly. I don't know what combination will eventually work. I know it has cut down on the smell by about 90% when it works. But on days when it doesn't, I am once again forced to deal with the embarassment that people can smell me.


J (Toronto, Ontario) on 02/05/2009:
5 out of 5 stars

Update from 12/10/2008:

When I first wrote back in December, I had tried borax, H202 and acidophilus (both internally and externally). Shortly after, I began taking folic acid which was present in a tablet marketed for "stress relief", which had different B vitamins as well. I felt I had to update because I think the status should be changed from "better but not cured" to "cured".

Ladies, when I was initially struggling with the smell and irritation, I wanted something that would give me relief IMMEDIATELY. The H202 certainly provided that, but it was only temporary. I was in no rush to run to the pharmacy to get folic acid because I had assumed that it was more of a preventative measure, and wouldn't have any immediate impact on my symptoms. I was wrong. When I took those multivitamins with folic acid in them (3-4 tablet = 1mg of folic acid in each), I swear my severe irritation dissipated significantly within 1-2 hours. The H202 had helped the odor and the next day, the folic acid seemed to prevent the smell and abnormal discharge from returning. I went out and bought a bottle of just folic acid -1mg tabs, and continued to take them with acidophilus for about a week or 2. I would take 2-3mg of folic acid and about 3-4 acidophilus capsules which were said to contain the following:

4 billion active cells at time of manufacture of the following:
lactobacillus rhamnosus - 80% 3.2billion
lactobacillus acidophilus-10% .04billion
Bifidobacterium longum- 5% .02billion
Bifidobacterium bifidum- 5% .02billion

Shortly after I started taking these supplements routinely, I had my period and afterward my symptoms were gone entirely. I have been symptom free and feeling great for over a month. I know some girls ask if they have to keep taking the supplements after the symptoms go away, and from my experience, I have not been taking them everyday or even regularly and my symptoms have not returned. I do try to take them whenever I remember because I believe they are great for your vaginal health, but personally I did not find that I was forced to continue taking them forever.

Other things to note are that I have not had intercourse in a while after getting better, this could be part of the reason for not relapsing yet as this was one of the most aggravating factors for me.

I also continued to have some issues with bouts of painful and urgent urination that was sometimes cloudy after my BV felt better. I cannot be certain, but I believe what wiped out this problem entirely for me was when I started to drink 2TBSP Apple Cider Vinegar with 2TBSP Molasses and 1TSP of Cayenne pepper combined together in hot water (in a very large mug) and drank like a tea. I don't know if the actual amounts are that important, my reasoning for those measurements were that it tasted the best to me that way. I have been drinking this every other day or so now, because the taste sort of grew on me. I drank it with a straw most of the time to avoid teeth sensitivities. I wanted to try taking these supplements after what I read on this site about how they are good for your overall health. I wasn't intentionally trying to help my bladder issues but I strongly believe it did. I also seemed to have a shorter period with a reduction in the severity of cramps (these were becoming problematic due to my copper IUD). I believe this is because of the iron and magnesium in the molasses. I was not using blackstrap molasses btw, it was the Crosby brand of "fancy" molasses that is common here in Canada. I will keep an eye out for the blackstrap stuff.

Thanks again to everyone who wrote here and the admins for having such a helpful site. I wish the best health for all of you.

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EC: YEA reflected on your most recent post and BETTER BUT NOT CURED removed...


Angela (Las Vegas, Nevada) on 01/31/2009:
1 out of 5 stars

I am 21 and have been suffering with this awful affect for 7 Years (Since my first period) and something has got to change. First I liked to say I have tried all the medical treatments such as flag, clind, and even something called the oddessy. Ive been taking them so long my body just drinks them up without any positive affects on my body. I don't have any other std's and seem to be all around healthly. why won't it go away? So I have resorted to other women's feedback to help. I tried the 2 100bill Acidohil, 2folic acid, and douched 1/2 peroxide 1/2 h2o. It still hasn't given me any comfort. Can I still conceive? My question is for those who tried this method and it didn't work. What other methods are you trying????? Thanks, Angela

Melisia (R, NC) on 01/18/2009:
5 out of 5 stars

As most of you have stated, I was eternally grateful to have found this website. I switched birth control methods earlier this year and found my body in a pattern of recurring BV. After 2 visits to my doctor and 3 rounds of antibiotics, I decided that was enough and I was going to rid myself of this problem. I first started with the Acidophilus(refrigerated kind) and Folic Acid pills 2x a day. I also washed with the 1/2 and 1/2 Apple Cider Vinegar and Water combo. This provided some relief, but still experienced some discharge and itching. I then began using the 1/2 hydrogen peroxide (3%) douche before bedtime and this was a mircle. Instant relief. However, I did still experience some itching over the next few days. I increased by Acidophilus and Folic Acid intake to 3 pills a day and I did the Hydrogen Peroxide douche every other evening. I also have not been using any soap to wash my vaginal area, only the 1/2 and 1/2 mix of ACV and water or just plain water. Wow, what a difference this home remedy has made in my life. I can't wait for my visit to the doctor for my annual appointment so I can tell him about this remedy. Of course, it probably won't be shared with other patients, but I'm telling everyone I know.
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