Hydrogen Peroxide, Folic Acid, Acidophilus for Bacterial Vaginosis

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Discouraged (Boise, Idaho) on 06/04/2009:
3 out of 5 stars

Worked Temporarily

I've been dealing with this for a year and a half now. I've tried nearly everything...flagyl, Biofem, vitamins, the H202 wash, folic acid, acidophilus...NOTHING IS WORKING!

Lately I've been trying the combo of hydrogen peroxide, folic adic, and acidophilus. I've been taking 800-1600 mcg of folic acid a day, rinsing with the 1/2 water 1/2 hydrogen peroxide wash, and taking 2 acidophius capsules orally a day. I've done this for about a week now, and my body keeps going back and forth. One day it will appear to be working, the next it appears my symptoms have WORSENED. I don't know what to do!

I've seen a lot of women saying they vaginally insert an acidophilus capsule daily...can I do this with any capsule? Or do I have to buy a special kind? And is that really safe? Or is there a chance it'll give me another kind of infection?

Also, if I continue trying the combo I stated above, does it ALWAYS work instantly? Or can it take awhile? Everyone seems to have results right away, but not me. Did anyone's symptoms get a little worse before they improved?

Please, ladies, I need help! I'm about to lose my mind...


Forty-Something (Washington, PA) on 05/27/2009:
5 out of 5 stars

After 15 years of recurrent -BV, I think the Hydrogen Peroxide douche, Acidopholis, folic acid combo has really worked.

I did the following:

equal parts H2O2/water- two mornings in a row
Took Acidopholis (500mill) morning and night for 7 days
Took Folic acid every morning
Inserted Acidopholis every evening for 7 nights

I am happy with my results.

For those people questioning how and why they get it and if they get it from someone...I've concluded that it's not given to me...rather my body responding to sperm presence. I never had this issue until I tried to get pregnant and after my tubal ligation when I could have sex without a condom. My suggestion...get out the condoms.

One warning...I had 2 preemie babies...and BV is know to be associated with this. So...for those of you struggling with BV and trying to get pregnant, keep this in mind.

Love this site.

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Lisa (Brooklyn, NY) on 05/20/2009:
4 out of 5 stars

Thank you ALL for posting your stories you have helped more women than you'll ever know. I have suffered with BV for over 10 years. One night while searching yet again for a cure to stop the embarrassing odor and discharge I discovered you all. After reading what felt like every single post until my eyes were red and burning (I'm not kidding) I couldn't believe this was such a common problem and when I went to my Gyno. she kept prescribing things that did not work. I've tried creams, gels, pills you name it nothing worked it always came back with a vengeance.So after reading the post here I went to the 24hr. supermarket and bought the folic acid and peroxide. I already had the Acidophilus.
Immediately I took a loading dose of folic acid 1600mg. and the acidophilus (orally)did the hydrogen peroxide 3% solution, 1/2 water 1/2 peroxide.

When I woke up I was so happy I could have cried. There was absolutely no discharge, not the slightest hint of that foul odor that had been present for so long. IT WAS FINALLY GONE!

Curiosity got the better of me approx. 1 week later so I grabbed a plastic glove and inserted my finger like the Gyno does. Well to my surprise; the discharge was there. It was as thick but no smell.

So to date I've tried:

1. Folic Acid + hydrogen peroxide 3% solution + Acidophilus (ORALLY) = No Smell No Discharge BUT a large amount of discharge remains inside

2. Folic Acid + hydrogen peroxide 3% solution + Acidophilus (Internally)= No Smell No Discharge BUT Grit from the acidophilus left inside m.

3. Folic Acid + hydrogen peroxide 3% solution = No Smell No Discharge BUT a large amount of discharge remains inside.

Has anyone discovered a formula to completely get rid of the accumulation which remains inside? Also must the douche be done everyday?
Please if anyone has any thoughts on what might work please share your thoughts.
I have no one I can discuss this with. Thank you all in advance.


SoMuchBetter (NY, NY) on 05/14/2009:
5 out of 5 stars

i found this site earlier this week when i was hit for the 2nd month in a row with bv. last month when i got it i went to the dr. and they put me on oral antibiotics. these hurt my tummy and tasted terrible. last month was the first time i ever got bv an i assumed it was from my boyfriend who is intact. after taking the meds prescribed bv was gone and i was happy. the next month i get it again even tho my b/f and i have been super careful about germies. totally makes sense tho. i mean, i'm not a dr. but from this website and just knowing my own body i can figure out what i think happened:

antibiotics killed all the bact. bad and good.

this is my method:

2 pills acidophilus, 1 day 1 night
v rinse: 1/2 peroxide 1/2 water

i couldnt douche because i lacked the proper tools but i did wash myself with this mixture last night and i have been smelling good ever since. going to do it every other day for a week just to make sure. it didnt hurt or sting or anything. i would suggest it to any women suffering from this terrible and embarassing infection.

i also take 2 acidophilus pills a day, one at morning and 1 evening to build up the good bact.
i started these pills a few days before the v rinse, hoping it would be enough. i saw some improvement but the rinse really helped.

hope that helps :)


Girl Bear (Auckland, New Zealand) on 05/10/2009:
5 out of 5 stars

I have been avoiding having sex with my husband since 17 March because it smelt fishy down there. The doctor treated me for thrush with a 6 day course of Clotrimzaole cream. But the fishy smell remained. Not much discharge but awful smell. Last night my husband wanted sex. I could smell myself and did not enjoy it. Also, I had no sensation and could not feel anything in my vagina. My husband said afterwards I smelt different. I cried myself to the internet. At 4am I found your website. This morning I rushed to the chemist. Purchased folic acid and an acidophilus probiotic which contains 12.5 billion lactobacillus acidophilus and 12.5 billion bifidobacterium lactis and 67 mg colostrum powder. Got home and took two 0.8mg of folic acid and one acidophilus capsule which has 25 billion good bacteria per capsule. Drank it with cranberry juice. Inserted one acidophilus capsule in my vagina. Four hours later took another acidophilus capsule orally and inserted another vaginally.

Then a couple of hours later put two tablespoons of hydrogen peroxide (3%) in two cups of water and rinsed my vagina with it. Repeated the rinse two hours later again. At the same time I inserted my finger into my vagina and after withdrawing it I had a sniff.

Incredibly I have no more discharge and the fishy smell is disappating. Note I did not douche because I was nervous about sticking bleach inside me.
Before I go to sleep tonight I will do another rinse and insert the contents of the capsule inside. I am going to mix the contents of the capsule with some KY jelly and insert it with an applicator. Hopefully, I will be rid of this forever.

FYI I am allergic to metronizadole. Last year I got bacterial vaginosis and was prescribed it orally. After taking it for just over a week I came down with hives, my eyes started to swell to slits, my tongue went numb and my arms went tingly. I ended up in a hospital emergency ward. When I suspected I had bacterial vaginosis again I despaired. Thank God for this website.


Klen (Huntsville, Alabama) on 05/05/2009:
5 out of 5 stars

I too suffered from b/v. I ran across this site about 1 week ago and thank God. I hated that gross smell and that awful discharge. I tried everything under the sun and nothing worked. I have been using the 1/2 water and 1/2 peroxide douche and it seems to be working. Also I bought some acidolphilus pills (1 billion) and some multivitamins for the folic acid. I take 2 acidolphilus pills and one multivitamen a day. Things are looking better already. Thanks everybody for sharing!!

Happy (Salisbury, NC) on 04/21/2009:
5 out of 5 stars

I would like to say thank you thank you!! This is a blessing to me. I have had BV for 12 years. Started in 10th grade. I just moved in with my dad, who I have only met a few times before. He is the best, but I just could not talk to him about this. How could I ? BV is one of the most embarrassing things. I would pray, wish on a falling star, and pray...."please make this smell/discharge go away" I have done every thing under the sun to stop my suffering. It aways came back. I have cried time after time and just said "OK this is how it's going to be"......NOT!! THANK YOU IT HAS BEEN OVER 2 WEEKS.....NO SMELL NO DISCHARGE!! I found this site, and could not believe what I was reading. I did not know that lots of women suffer from this {BV}. I CAN'T PUT IN TO WORDS HOW FEEL, I NOW HAVE TEARS OF JOY! I feel like I can do anything now.I did the H20,Folic acid,and Acidophilus. I used 2tbs- half of this was H20 and the other was water- I did this 2 times, once the first night and again the next day. Then I took my folic acid and my acidophilus and put one inside. It works! Thanks.. i love this site.

Miss Scotland (Scotland) on 04/15/2009:
5 out of 5 stars

I am so grateful for the posts left on this site. Ive been bothered with bv for about 10 months on and off. Starting when ever it wants if i am having sex or not! Ive been having pain deep inside during sex and so my dr sent me for an ultrasound and everything was fine. Thank god, but ive had countless swabs also and everytime you guessed it bv and everytime i was prescribed antibiotic cream. The cream didnt clear up the infection properly. So ive been searching the web and found this site seems the most sympathetic and real. So since ive found this site off i went to holland and barrett. I started off trying the folic acid x2 and acidophilus (refrigirated kind) x2 twice a day. This seemed to keep things at bay for about a week and a half. I had sex during this time and was fine and then a week later exactly its back but that could be because my period is due in 7 days time (another reason that seems to cause it to start). So since its back i tried the hydrogen peroxide 3% solution and its only 1.25!! I was extremely nervous putting this inside my vagina, it is bleach after all but diluted. But the bv was so bad! And so many of you wonderful ladies have sworn by it i thought just do it. Instantly and i mean instanly the smell had gone. Gone gone gone. I did it twice that day using 1/4 Hydrogen Peroxide 3/4 Water. I thought that was a safe dose for the first time. I cant believe it. The next day my v was as fresh as a spring morning! I have done this for a four days now and also kept up the folic acid and acidophilus. FIngers crossed this carries on working! THANKS again and again to everyone who has posted their experiences. Drs just dont understand! You SHOULDNT have to live with BV! We want beautifal vaginas not bad vaginas!

Amy (Fremont, CA) on 04/12/2009:
3 out of 5 stars

Worked Temporarily

with the douche of 50/50 hydrogen peroxide/water and the folic acid and acidophilus probitic pills HOW LONG do you have to do this to maintain clean vaginal health???? I have done this for a few days which helps, but it seems to return the next week. any help would be appreciated from the readers

S (Queens, New York, USA) on 04/11/2009:
5 out of 5 stars

After YEARS of panty liners, feminine washes, douches, wipes, powders, creams, lotions and perfumes -- not to mention the utter humiliation, embarrassment, depression and odor caused by BV -- Hydrogen Peroxide/Water + Acidophilus seemed toooooo simple of a solution, but it works!

The h2o2 kills all the bacteria (the "good" and "bad" ones), and the Acidophilus replenishes the "good" bacteria. I've read some posts where the Acidophilus is added directly into the douche mixture. I am not sure that is a good idea as the h2o2 will probably kill the acidophilus.

For the last 3 evenings, I have douched with 50/50 h2o2 3% h2o. Following that, I inserted a Acidophilus capsule directly into my V. In the morning, I took 2 capsules of Acidophilus + 2 tablets of Folic Acid. I feel clean, fresh and dry. The smell seems to have gone, as well!!!!!

Now that I've had some time to do some "daily dose" research, I will have go back to the drug store. I read someplace that 1- 2 billion CFU (Colony Forming Unit) is considered a good daily dose, except all the labels read "at the time of encapsulation". Naturally, live organisms die over time, so the refrigerated dark glass bottled versions probably help prolong the shelf life. (In my rush 3 nights ago, I had purchased a Acidophilus with Pectin 10 mg - supplying 100 million live organisms, which seems too little compared to the 1 - 2 billion CFU.)

And, most vitamin labels suggest Folic Acid 400 mcg is 100% of the daily dose. I've been taking 2x 800 mcg. Can taking more than the daily dose be harmful for the kidneys?

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