Hydrogen Peroxide, Folic Acid, Acidophilus for Bacterial Vaginosis

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Toya (District of Columbia, District of Columbia) on 09/24/2008:
4 out of 5 stars

I'm a 29 year old woman who has always been the picture of health. I had a case of BV about 5 or 6 years ago and after finally ruling out a yeast infection, I went to a physician who prescribed Flagyl - it worked and my BV was gone! Now here almost six years later - that nasty little monster of an infection pops up again! I've been in a monogamous relationship with my boyfriend for the last 2 years now. We had sex all the time for a year and a half before this BV popped up just randomly. I thought maybe it was because we were having oral sex and the germs in his mouth was causing it, but again, we've been having sex for well over a year and never any problems before. In June of this year, the BV came on. Because it had been years since I had it, I got really worried and started considering all kinds of things like maybe an STD. Not only was the BV making me not want to have sex because of the awful smell, I was becoming suspicious of my boyfriend and thought maybe he'd been cheating on me or something. Well, I dealt with the BV for about a month and a half because I didn't have health insurance at the time and could afford a doctor's visit. I tried all kinds or over the counter meds and I had become so stressed and depressed because the smell had plagued me. During this time I even broke it off with my boyfriend because I just wasn't sure that it wasn't an STD. I was taking 2 and 3 showers, constantly changing my panties and I dreaded going around people. Finally in August, I started a new job and got health insurance! I didn't wait any longer and got in to see a MD as soon as I could. After the pelvic exam, they ruled out any possibility whatsoever of any STD - and what a relief that was - and also said that there was no yeast present in my vagina. It was good news for me because that meant it could only have been BV and so the doctor prescribed me Flagyl again since it worked so well 5 years ago.

So I took the Flagyl for 7 days and what do you know - the BV was gone! I was so incredibly happy because I had dealt with this for almost two months with no real cure. I also rekindled things with my boyfriend - since I obviously had jumped to conclusions and dumped him for nothing! Even though I never told him why I broke it off, I vowed to myself to make it right. So 3 weeks after I'd finished the Flagyl and was completely cured, I planned this HUGE -makeup party- for my boyfriend and I - complete with dinner, champagne and lots of sex that night! Two days later - THAT HORRIBLE, ATROCIOUS MONSTER was back!!! I was livid and so depressed. I thought I had gotten rid of that sucker, like last time. I couldn't believe it! At this point I was desperate - so later that day, I turned to the internet to find ANYTHING that would help. I knew I wouldn't want to have sex with this infection plaguing me and my boyfriend and I had just started to get back on track. What could I tell him this time? Also, there was no way I was going to feel like I couldn't go around co-workers, friends or anyone else without being self conscious of that smell. I happen to run across this site, read through tons of comments on how the HP douche, folic acid and acidophilus worked wonders - so I was willing (and desperate). I got a refill of Flagyl just to be on the safe side and started taking those immediately. I also ran to CVS and got the HP (3%), folic acid and acidophilus- along with some Summer's Eve douche (just for the bottle). I went home that night and took 1600mg of folic acid and 1 billion CFU of acidophilus. I think poured out the Summer's Eve douche and filled the empty bottle with 1 part HP and the rest water. I douched once that night - and when I woke up the next morning- no foul odor, no discharge. I'm using this remedy along with my Flagyl so I'm sure the BV will be gone in a few days. However, the douche worked INSTANTLY for the discharge and smell!!! I'm confident that the supplements will keep the BV from coming back, at least that's what I'm hoping. The true test for me is the LONG TERM effect and we'll see after the next time I have sex. I'll report back and let you know - but in the meantime, thanks so much for all the comments about this problem! It's such an embarrassing thing to deal with and talk about, even to you doctor. I just wish I'd know about this months ago when my BV first came back, instead of costly prescriptions and co-pays. They should get the FDA in on this remedy because this is a more natural and safer remedy. I think the results will be far better than popping antibiotics after each infection. Thanks everyone - glad to know I wasn't alone in dealing with this :o)


Dawn (palm bay, fl) on 09/20/2008:
1 out of 5 stars

I been suffering from BV for about 3 years now. The smell is the main thing. People were noticing it. I even lost my desk job (for bad hygiene), because my whole cubicle smelled like dirty vagina. I was even more devastated when i was packing my desk stuff up, my then ex boss took my desk chair and rolled it outside to the trash, since i permanently stunk it up.

My job wasn't the only thing that was suffering, my marriage was as well. Since my husband cant have children, we never used a condom. And my BV seemed to flare up even worst after sex. After sex, the bed and the room was filled with bad odor, so bad my husband would sleep on the couch. He wouldn't give me oral, or even touch it, if he didnt have to. And i didnt blame him. I felt nasty all day 24/7. I was scared to get another job, (i been unemployed for 2 years now). We couldn't afford to go to the doctor, and to be honest I am extremely embarrassed.

I found this site, and I tried all the recommended remedies. I have been taking acidophilus orally and vaginally. And folic acid orally. I douche with the HP all the time, I wear loose fitting clothes, and cotton underwear. I even dry my privates with a hair dryer. I feel clean for maybe 2 to 3 hours, then it comes back. I have to Constantly wear panty liners to keep from ruining my underwear. I put on perfume and body spray, all the time, to try to mask the odors. I have to keep changing desk chairs, or else it will stink up the computer room. Nothing seems to work.

The husband and I barely have sex anymore, and i find myself feeling more alone then ever. I sit in the shower and cry. Cry from shame and frustration. How did I become this way? I have only had 2 sex partners in my life, and im an extremely clean person. No woman ever deserves to feel this way. I have gone into depression, and BV is the only thing I think about all day. BV is running and ruining my life. I want to be fresh again, I want to be like all the other women, to wear tight clothes and dresses...to be sexy and smell sexy! I would love to be spontaneous again and have sex with my husband whenever the mood strikes, instead of running off to the bathroom to shower before.

Good luck to all you ladies out there, who have mild to extreme cases of BV. And feel free to email me anytime, its good to know you're not alone.


Elysia (Whitethorn, Ca) on 09/13/2008:
5 out of 5 stars

oh hey!!:) the folic acid and primadophilus reuteri treatment for bv really worked for me :) i started with (2) folic acid (400mcg) per day and (1) reuteri (5 billion cfu) (purchased online at vitacost.com) for two days, then upped doses to (2) folic acid and (1) reuteri in the morning and evening and the odor was gone in a day or less...(oh and i douched once with a 50/50 solution of sterile water and h202) what a relief, i have been hating and battling bv for a long time and finally something really works! Thank you Earth Clinic! :) :) :)

Candice (Binghamton, NY) on 09/10/2008:
3 out of 5 stars

Worked Temporarily

I have been suffering with reoccuring bv for the past 4yrs now. It always seems to come back b4 my period ends and sometimes after sex. For the past 4 months I have got it every month right after my period. Im fed up with it, im fed up of going to the dr. So for the past 3 days I have been doing the acidolpolus, folic acid and peroxide method. The smell has been completley gone since the first time i did the peroxide. even though it was only the first day i noticed it and it wasnt too bad. but unfortunatly im still itchy so it hasnt gone away completly any suggestions? im bout to try yeast arrest to see if that will do it.

Tasha (Atlanta, GA) on 09/09/2008:
5 out of 5 stars

this website is the best thing that has happened to me in a very long time. My BV is gone!! I have been suffering for about 3 years, since I started dating my latest boyfriend. I tried the hydrogen peroxide douch and that did not work, I tried the douche and the lacto acidoohilis and that seemed to lessen the discharge but it came back full force after I had sex. Then I tried the combination of all three the 800 mg folic acid and 200 million (2 capsules) live lacto acidophilis and the hydrogem peroxide (w/ a drop of tea tree oil) douche this is the first time in years that my vagina is completely odor free!! I feel like my life is changed. I was always wearing sanitary napkins for the discharge and changing my underwear a few times a day. I am free!! thank you so much, I even had sex and I am still clean as a whistle down there. thank you!

Veronica (New York, US) on 09/08/2008:
5 out of 5 stars

I was first diagnosed with BV for the first time at 19. (I'm not a virgin). I was treated with antibiotics. It was gone within a week. five months later it came back. This time the antibiotics didn't work. I took the flagyl two times, then i was given a stronger antibiotic, and then a flagyl again. Still no relief. The smell and irritation was so terrible it was ruining my relationship. Anyways, I found something that worked for me. eating yogurt every day helped, and so did taking 50mgs of acidophilus and 1600 mcgs of folic acid once in the morning and once at night. But the smell was still present so i searched for more answers. I came across a medical journal that someone else had posted on another website dedicated to BV. It said that a 17 year old virgin had chronic BV for I believe about 7 months and was treated with antibiotics a few times with no change. She was washed out with a mixture of salt, iodine, and peroxide and for 10 days in a row and the BV went away. It said that after a year she was still free of it. So i figured I'm no virgin, but it's worth a try. I found everything I needed at the pharmacy. After douching with the salt (don't over do it on the salt. try a tablespoon), peroxide, and iodine every night before bed i inserted a tampon soaked in yogurt and acidophilus (from inside the capsule) for the first 5 days. I'm on day 11 now because I decided to use the douche for two weeks instead of 10 days. The smell has been gone for 9 days and my discharge is no longer thick and pasty. It is such a relief after 5 months of constant suffering. This remedy honestly saved my relationship. I'm still taking the acidophilus and folic acid every day and i will forever. I'll also most likley douche atleast once a week. I know they say it's bad but it has only done good for me. Also if I feel some irritation i insert an acidophilus pill with some plain yogurt over night to replace some good bacteria. Good Luck;)

T (Carroll, MD) on 09/05/2008:
5 out of 5 stars

Ok, Here is my story. I thought I had a yeast infection starting about 10 months ago so I kept treating with momostats for a long time. I kept calling my OBGYN and they would give me diflucan. Well, I should have went in because to my suprize it was not a yeast infection at all- it was BV. (I finally went in to the OBGYN about 5 months ago & had a pap. I was given metrogel and it didn't work for long so I kept calling and getting more (oral & internal)meds. I didn't even notice that the whitish discharge & irritation had stopped because I was so plauged by this yellowish-non-smelly stickyish discharge that started. I was like "WTH ! I have been married for like 12 years so I knew it was nothing std related)Then not too much longer after I found out I was preggo, needed metro again for the yellowy stuff my OB was saying was BV, then I lost the pregnancy. I had a d&C, and soon after the yellow discharge returns. I was so angry I called and got one more course of Flagyl and when that did not work I found this site. So I immediatly went to buy The peroxide, acidophilus pills and folic acid. I started w/ the douche for a clean start and inserted one of the acido-pills. Then I did the same the next day also taking 1600mcgs/day of folic acid. Now, my discharge was gone but still the most anoying external problems. Then low and behold the yellow-non-smelly stuff returns. So, I was like "That's it ! I'm going in to the OBGYN's" again.So, I went yesterday. He took a culture looked at it and said "I really don't see anything" he took a ph sample and did not say anything, then proceeded to tell me It does not look like I have BV any more and prescribed me an external steroid/antifungal treatment to help with my external probs. I am so confused by now so I said "What about the yellow non-smelly boogery discharge ?" He said "I'm not worried about that stuff at all, infact I think it's hormonal." "The paps are not going to change." So all in all, I guess The treatments did work (the metrogel followed by the earth clinic treatments) even though they felt like they didn't. I guess I have been free of Bv longer than I knew. I would definitely recommend taking the folic acid everyday along with yogurt,acidophillus pills twice a day or AZO yeast pills 1-3 times a day. I did however find out that I should not have douched with pharmacutical grade 3% hydrogen peroxide (even though it worked) it contains stabalizers that should not be ingested. Instead they suggest a food grade 35% hydrogen peroxide that MUST be properly diluted so it wont harm or burn you. Then the regimen from there I have heard is anywhere from douching only initially all the way up to twice a day up to seven days. As you know douching is not recommended by health care provided and should probably just be used as infrequently and done in the least amount as possible. I truly hope this helps ppl. Bv is the worst thing ever-Ever! Best wishes to all !

Gialena (New York, New York) on 08/31/2008:
3 out of 5 stars

Worked Temporarily

I too have been suffering from BV for 4 months now (since may 2008) and have been on 2 courses of Flagyl, taken flucanozole after the antibiotics to get rid of the yeast. It came from out of no where and while I don't have the itchy and sore symptoms anymore (they disappeared after the first round of antibiotics) I still am battling with this nasty smelling greyish discharge -which I feel people can smell a mile away on me. I have no idea where it came from -it literally just came out of the blue one day. I am a VERY clean person, wash and dry several times a day -don't use perfumed soap down there, am careful when shaving, stopped using dryer sheets -which I read on your site could add irritation.

My boyfriend also got treated for it but it doesn't seem to have any effect on him -he does however notice the smell from me (all of a sudden) and while he is understanding, it is SO EMBARRASSING!! I no longer just give into the impulsive "rendezvous" with him, but am paranoid and have to make sure I go wash before hand and have a hard time relaxing out of fear that we can smell me....

I have gone to my GP several times -who just says a lot of women suffer from it and to give it time -well, I don't have time and I can't do anymore antibiotics....

So... I have done the Boric Acid suppositories -which caused me to bleed 2-3 days after every time I started them (Had my period 5 times in 2,5 months as a result). -Went to my GYN, who has tested me 3 times now for everything -and I have no STDs. -Apparently I just am too sensitive for the Boric Acid??

-Has anyone else had those problems?? Please respond if that is "a normal response" as Boric Acid is harsh and if it is "ok" just to be sensitive to it?? Or if there is something else I should look out for/worry about??

God I hate having these problems; especially as I never have had them before other than the odd yeast infection here and there... (I am turning 31 and am wondering if it is a hormonal change??)

I also did start drinking ACV back in March 6 months ago and am wondering if that could be it -now that I JUST read your note on not to drink ACV if you suffer from BV (BV occurred for the first time in May) -The first two months I drank the ACV religiously and loved it -I also started oil pulling in mid march and had no problems. I have been drinking ACV on and off for the past 2-3 months -hence why I never paired the two together...
I then stopped oil pulling about 2 months ago (july) due to an inconsistent schedule and traveling a lot -but I miss it and will start that again -the benefits were AMAZING for my skin... However I don't know if any of that could have caused the BV to start?? Seems highly unlikely.... What do you think??

I now have been doing the Hydrogen peroxide douches on and off for about a month -they work great when I do them but how often and for how long should I continue with this?

I did the first 5 days in a row -thought I was clear but it came back and now I have just used them every other or third day as I don't want to overdo it??

I also started the 800mcg Folic Acid and 1000mg Acidophilus everyday for 4 days -which cleared me for 2 days about 10 days ago, but then it came back and I am back on your web site again, as I can't seem to kick this or am wondering if I am doing something wrong??

Do I need to take the Folic Acid and acidophilus infinitely?? As in the rest of my life -or will it eventually subside??

Sorry for all these questions, I am just at loss in regards to this BV and so sad to be dealing with this! I will however say THANK YOU TO THIS AMAZING SITE -for sharing all these women's stories and advice, and also for already helping me with ACV -when I couldn't get rid of laryngitis and bronchitis. OIL PULLING which cleared up my acne, HYDROGEN PEROXIDE which cleared my ear infection -I owe you a great great deal..... THANK YOU!!


Denise (Opelika, Alabama) on 08/28/2008:
5 out of 5 stars

I have suffered with BV for years and after metronizole and other antibotics. I would go from BV to Yeast infection to BV. It was a never ending cycle. The fishy smell drove me crazy. It was like I was nasty/dirty. I didn't know where to turn and then I found this website which was a life saver for me. I used the boric acid 2 teaspoons of boric in a regular douche bottle. I just bought a store brand douche and poured it out and mixed it in it. I also used the hydrogen peroxide douche 50/50 about a week after the boric acid douche followed by a daily doses of folic acid (800 mg) and acidophilus (2 pills). The smell or the discharge hasn't returned not exactly sure what helped but I was so desperate when I found this site to I tried all of the above. To date no fishy smell and it been about 2 weeks.

7thdayBeauty (Atlanta, GA) on 08/26/2008:
5 out of 5 stars

I have been suffering fron BV fro almost nine months and HAve been almost out of my mind with embarrassment. I have been to the doctors 4x in the last three months and been given 3 diffrent antibiotics with no relief. Last night I got on here and read all the remedies and went straight to the drug store. This morning I had miraculous results, this is what i did.. I douched with 1 part water and 1 part Hydrogen peroxide last night and this morning. I took 2(1 billion tabs) of Acidpholous and took 800 mg of folic acid and ate 12oz of yogurt. I promise this morning no smell and discharge, i will continu this regimen for three days to see what happens, THANKS FOR ALL THE POSTS!!!
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