Inversion Table Therapy for Back Pain

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Showing 1 Star Reviews

Joann (Tallahassee, Fl.) on 12/07/2012
1 out of 5 stars

Inverson table, I have chronic back pain. I bought this table and was using it for the pain. One day after using it for 3 or 4 min. I got a terrible headache, this went on for a week or so. My Dr. was doing routine exams and found I had a brain anurisum, I went to a Dr for that it was at level 3. At that time I did nothing, 8 months later he re-checked and it had gone to 9. At this level I was in the danger zone so I had to have it coiled. I do not suggest this table for anyone, I know that is what did the damage and I was thinking it was sinus. Had my Dr. not caught it and sent me to have it checked out I would most likely not be here today.