Oil Of Oregano for Aspergillosis

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Showing 5 Star Reviews

Susanne (California) on 04/23/2016
5 out of 5 stars

I have been diagnosed with PD, and know it was from a mold exposure 10 yrs ago in my home, which made me very sick at the time. I've had a horrible alcohol smell in my nose for almost the same amount of time, along with the symptoms of PD, which are pretty rough, 15-20/day.

I just started taking 230 mg. of extract Oregano oil in capsules, certified organic, 4 caps/day and already see changes after a few days, for the good, less meds due to less tremors and rigidity. Thanks for the thoughts on vaporizing it, I couldn't figure out why I was so short of breath from walking across a room, now I know!

REPLY   5      

Ruffcut (South Lyon, Michigan) on 06/12/2013
5 out of 5 stars

Aspergillosis: I had a health scan and what has remedied the moldies is oil of oregano. Fungus is very bad and worse than is reported, worldwide.