Dental Cause for Aspergillosis

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Septspirit (Texas) on 01/03/2016
5 out of 5 stars

I was dx with pulmonary aspergillosis. I had lived in 3 houses with black mold, but my cough didn't become chronic until I caught a serious respiratory illness from one of my daycare kids around 2002, that I don't think I ever fully recovered from.

Around 2007 an x-ray revealed 3 nodes in lower right lobe and it was determined to be A Niger.

It's worse am/pm and after eating or being exposed to aerosol toxins. I tried many things over the years including HP, serrapeptase... anything anyone had to offer. Nothing worked. I couldn't tolerate the oral HP, and never tried nebbing it.

I finally resorted to an expensive, complete dental revision removing/replacing all materials with more bio-compatible materials (tested for this) in 2011. Extensive, 8 hrs under conscious sedation. Numerous serious infections.

My docs believed that the fungus was adhering to fibrosis which would be eliminated with a specific protocol. The dental metals tend to adhere to fibrosis as well and complicate things, which would improve with my detox protocol.

I eliminated dairy and all processed foods that contained Calcium-anything (never 100%, btw) and began taking Bioavailable calcium, mag, and a few others basics. The only dairy I consume is occasional diluted organic whipping cream. I do eat lots of organic butter. I also started eating meat and eggs again after 25 years being vegetarian... and never felt better!

The fibrosis in my breast, which I'd had all my adult life dissolved in short order- definitely within a year. I had successfully eliminated uterine fibroids (fibrosis) about 35 years prior, which had resulted in hysterectomies in every woman in my family before me. I wasn't giving up any body parts and found an alternative solution.

The arthritis that had been developing prior to surgery went away, as did the weird AI-like symptoms I had developed. I did experience some pain in my knee for a few months and in hindsight, I believe it was the cal deposits breaking up.

Prior to all these changes I had severe degeneration of C5/6 in my neck, vertebrae almost touching. On re-check sometime after, all the bone spurs were gone, smooth edges and the disks were nice and puffy. Total regeneration. My chiro was giddy!

Another very curious thing... every time my oxygen level is checked it's always 98-100, even with atelectasis present, and they can't explain it. They say my body has found some way of compensating. My challenged RBCs are now excellent since the surgery. The current HCP, who I was seeing several times a week for a couple of months, claimed that atelectasis would come and go- there one time, gone the next. I am nebbing saline and just finished taking 2 bottles of ADP (emulsified oregano oil)- 6, three x/day. Still coughing.

My 'dental' doc did say that eliminating 'pulmonary' fibrosis would take longer. It's been 4 years. He passed last year and I've gotten a little lax without his guidance and support. I'm getting impatient.

Due to extenuating circumstances, I had to live in another house with bad mold and dust mites from Jan12-Jan15. I did the best I could and kept a window cracked year round. Of course, the cough got worse.

I should divulge that I am a long-term light/moderate smoker of organic tobacco. None of my HCPs have been concerned or consider it the cause or a contributing factor.

I'd really like to try Glutathione and possibly Oregano oil, but am afraid to experiment without guidance. If you know of a HCP who could supervise this in the Austin, Tx area, please let me know.

I don't want to go to a traditional MD. I know what they have to offer and am not interested. I also don't want to be wrongly dx'd with lung cancer, as Suzanne Somers was (she had fungus) and imprinted with fear mongering. There's a reason I'm hosting this, and I want to change that, not 'manage' this the rest of my life.

Thanks, SS