Multiple Remedies for Appendicitis

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OrganicFanatic (Coeur d'Alene, Idaho) on 02/21/2024
5 out of 5 stars

Advice & Remedies for Reversing and Healing Appendicitis

I researched via the entire internet, including Earth Clinic, I scoured through all of my text books and materials. I'm a nutritionist with many years experience, I own and operate a natural health clinic using advanced technologies like Rife in North Idaho ( I completely reversed and healed my severe appendicitis in 2 days. I'm taking the time to write this in hopes it will help others. MESSAGE to earth clinic staff: my time is extremely valuable and I'm taking the time from everything else to write this, free of charge from my many years of vast knowledge and experience. Feel free to change or edit anything I wrote if need be for legal or any other reasons, so that it can be posted on your website and my time writing this is not in vain!

First I believe the primary reason for most appendicitis is simply a blockage preventing the flow from the appendix to the rest of the colon, I believe the mainstream and google pretty much echo that as well. Can be a blockage from too much fiber, like thick fibers like coconut flour for example, can be a blockage from too many years of build up and fecal compaction (not eating properly and not doing regular colon cleanses).

DO NOT PANIC, it's important to not panic as that can actually just make things worse! Just relax and consider the situation logically. If you don't feel comfortable doing any of this or feel it's just too severe and too far gone, then remember getting it removed surgically may be what you decide to do, if it ruptures before that it will leak stool into the abdomen and that is life threatening! So this is a serious situation that will require your full time and attention, don't do anything else, everything else can and must wait. If you have anyone available to help take care of you, explain the situation and make sure they too are giving full time and focus to the appendicitis, it's more important than anything else.

In my case it was caused from too much food grade bentonite clay! I was taking the bentonite clay to help soak up mold toxins from killing some candida I realized I had. It's also important to take bentonite with a lot of water, but I didn't drink enough, so I did too much clay, not enough water, and bammo ended up with Appendicitis. Within a day it was swollen and you can feel the referred pain in the lower back.

Here are the solutions that I did to completely reverse the appendicitis within about 2 days, keep in mind I employed just about every tool because I didn't want to take a chance of ending up in the death factory hospitals and I tend to go above and beyond with my regimens:

-Minimize food as this will take some load off things while you work on clearing the blockage, if you do eat ensure it's very light and easily digested, like organic bone broth or some raw milk/dairy which is full of probiotics, or some fermented foods.

-CLEAR/DISSOLVE THE BLOCKAGE: Drink lots of pure water with lots of Apple Cider Vinegar (1 Tbsp for about 16 oz water), fresh Lemon juice and Phosphoric Acid (Phosfood from Standard Process), add a good size pinch of sea salt or mineral salt, you can sweeten this with some stevia and optionally add any flavor enhancers or gut healing powder you'd like OR if in a pinch you can drink some pepsi or coca cola as those have phosphoric acid and can remove a blockage in about an hour, though those are last resorts as they are full of sugar, sugar may feed any infection beginning to occur in your Appendix. You can also supplement with stomach acid (HCL) with food or even on empty stomach with lots of water, this can also be very helpful. These are the best solutions available in the world to help dissolve any blockages, regardless of what they are!

-MORE HELP FOR CLEARING BLOCKAGE: At a good time, away from everything else you may be doing like before going to sleep, do a thorough colon cleanse, there are many available on the market, the one I had on hand was an oxy magnesium from global healing center. The colon cleanse alone may get rid of the appendix blockage! CONSIDER doing 1 TBSP epsom salt (in about 6oz water) along with your colon cleanse, or if you have no colon cleanse the epsom salt may do the trick. Epsom salt not only helps clear you out, but can relax your various ducts and tissues to help release any clog or blockage!

-INFLAMMATION & PAIN: Take anti inflammatory, such as frankincense, turmeric, and many others that are available, if severe or in a pinch you can also take ibuprofen as it is an anti inflammatory. This will help reduce the size and swelling, the pain, and reduce the chances of it rupturing prematurely. You can also utilize cannabis extracts however you'd like (smoke, vape, oral, topical), these are immensely pain killing and anti inflammatory, will help you be much more comfortable as well, THC is much stronger of a pain killer than CBD.

-PATHOGENS / INFECTION: It's a good idea to take 1 to 2 raw cloves of garlic per day to help kill any bacterial infection that may now be present in the appendix because of the blockage. Oregano or others are great as well. Killing infection will also help to reduce the swelling and inflammation. You can take antiparasitics such as bitter wormwood, sweet wormwood, with the black walnut and clove, there are many of these available on the market but I love the ones from Standard Process and Kroeger herb wormwood combination. You can also take ivermectin and FenBendazol. Ivermectin is powerful against many round worms which Hulda Clark notes are a common infection in appendicitis. Parasites may be part of the problem or cause, so this is a nice extra measure. You can also take some anti candida supplements/herbs as candida is found to contribute to 1% to 2% of appendicitis cases. Many hospitals try to first use antibiotics to avoid the appendix removal.

HEALING/SOOTHING SUPPORT: Put Castor oil topically over the appendix area (castor oil packs) and inside the belly button. You can add frankincense essential oil and pure DMSO to the castor oil to help penetration and inflammation even further. You can also apply things like Deep Blue stick from DoTerra, which is pain relieving and anti inflammatory.

-You can also take digestive enzymes and proteolytic enzymes, and various probiotics on empty stomach, these can help dissolve blockage and also the good probiotics can be helpful.

-LYMPH and CIRCULATION: try to walk around and get some movement in periodically, people have reported positioning their body upside down so that 'gravity' is working to help remove the blockage, if you see what the appendix looks like on a google image search, you can see how this positioning could help. If you feel comfortable with it and the pain isn't too severe you can do some light, gentle massage with a downward motion and/or vibration to the area while upside down. You can also take Thymex from Standard Process to help circulate lymph, the appendix is loaded with lymph fluid.

PRAY: I'm a Christian and believe God our father and creator heals, so we prayed and asked for full healing and restoration, while laying hands on the area. This is up to you of course, but praying to something like a wood carving or stone statue may not work! Be sincere and believe it will be healed!!! You can command and declare healing with your words, your words have power!

I also did a Rife pathogen scan with my machine, the 1st day showed no serious infection, but the 2nd day when more severe it showed infection popping up big time! So I treated the infection with the Rife which is extremely effective and can get places other antibacterials can have a hard time getting to. So my rife frequency therapy treatment was the night before the appendicitis was gone. I'm sure it helped a lot. You likely won't have this amazing tool (there are only 500 or so of this particular machine in the entire US) so just rely on other antibacterials.

I did not employ hydration enemas. I nearly did and if I wasn't healed from the other stuff I was definitely going to do this next. I've read a lot that those can be really helpful as well, again they can help to remove / open up the blockage in the colon. This is also a great way to hydrate (faster and more effective and safer than IV fluids) and even safely powerfully deliver certain natural medicines if you needed to!

RECURRENCE: If you're eating clean, healthy, organic, balanced diet, you should not get recurrence. IF YOU DO get recurrence, ever, it means you're DOING SOMETHING WRONG with your diet, lifestyle, etc. You also likely should be doing a colon cleanse at least once a year. You also may have low stomach acid, which decreases as we age, by age 65 is only 15% production compared to in our 20's! I won't get into it here but low stomach acid leads to indigested material and thousands upon thousands of other health issues. So you would just take around 600mg HCL supplement with each meal.

I also recommend you can take some whole food vitamin C and organic wheat germ oil (vitamin E). If you avoid dairy daily (not getting 2-4 servings) then you're likely calcium deficient and calcium is needed to fight infection in the tissues! It's also needed for inflammation response as well. So intake a high quality pasture raised raw dairy or food grade calcium supplement to help!

REPLY   13      

Jules105 (Woodstock, Ny) on 10/12/2015
5 out of 5 stars

I woke up today with a lot of appendix area pain - I've had a little pain there before once in a while but today it was worse. I took some ginger capsules, ate some garlic, rubbed some castor oil on the area and took some of Dr. Schulze's Intestinal #3 formula - which is laxative, Dr. Schulze said if you have appendix pain the most important thing is to get the toxins out of there. I also took some Dr. Schulze formula #2- which is basically charcoal. After I passed some stool I felt much better and feel fine tonight.
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