Emotional Freedom Technique (eft) for Anxiety

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Anon (Anon) on 02/03/2013
5 out of 5 stars

I have used EFT for about 5 years and used it to help my niece relax at night before she went to sleep. I would tap lightly on her as she told me about her day. She was raised by her mom until she came to live with me, her mom had a lifestyle not suitable for a 4 yr old. So when the little girl moved in with me she had a few ODD behaviors. Like she constantly pulled at the crotch of her underwear, like she was frantically trying to get it not to touch her skin. She did something else as well that I can't remember. Anyway after a few weeks I noticed she didn't do those things anymore. She was more focused and paid better attention in school, just alot calmer. I also use it on my husband for relaxation purposes, he likes it. As for myself I use it almost everynight to get to sleep. It works and I love it!
REPLY   5      

Steve (Las Vegas, Nv Nevada) on 02/02/2013
5 out of 5 stars

I have used EFT to cure my anxiety, fears, sadnesses, and all types of pain too numerous to mention. It's such an easy technique to learn and use you can try it for almost any issue. If you don't get results there are plenty of other energy healing modalities that will be helpful. Here is a chart I use and with the tapping points and also a chart that explains what each point does energetically: http://www.freewebs.com/stevelevine/efttappingpoints.htm
REPLY   3      

Sue (Minnapolis, MN) on 01/04/2009
5 out of 5 stars

The 3 years fight with anxiety was resolved by remote energy healer (CoherentHealer.com) and EFT ( emotional freedom technic) - tapping. The healer fixed my aura and told me that anxiety is caused by the trauma when you were a baby and did not have any control ( I was bit by a neighbor) and all other emotions that not released by me. I was very sceptical. He told me to do tapping on specific issues. If 4 days ago drive in a car as a passenger was so bad, today I drove to the store myself. Thank you.