Dietary Changes for Anxiety

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Sober (Anonymous, Usa) on 07/09/2011
5 out of 5 stars

Awhile back I was dating a heavy beer drinker. I started heavy drinking beer with my buddy. 'bout a 6 pack of exotic beer a night. 'round that time I got horrible panic attacks for the 1st time in my life. So bad I'd go to the hospital. They gave me drugs but the drugs didn't help. They'd give me more drugs util I was a zombie. My family complained & I was taken off. I had also stopped drinking beer cuz your not supposed to drink while on these drugs. So even I stopped the drugs I didn't get panic attacks that sent me to the ER. Lots of sugar can also bring them on a lil' bit. I've been readin here & other places that alcohol & even sugar can deplete the body of nutrients like magnesium. When I rub some magnesium on I feel calmer. No panic attacks. Also helps with my leg cramps and speeding heartbeat I sometimes get at night. IDK why the hospital doesn't look for such. There tests don't seem to pick up borderline deficiencies. My shrink tried to tell me I got me a chemical imabalance and needed the drugs. When I stopped the drugs that made me nutty in a different way, the attacks were gone. Cuz I quit the drinkin as well.