Acupuncture for Anxiety

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Phoenix126 (Branchburg, Nj, USA) on 08/31/2012
5 out of 5 stars

I have never suffered any depression, panic or anxiety my entire life. I had the normal ups and downs everyone typically has, but nothing ever so severe where it felt life threatening and debilitating. I had a pretty severe panic attack which lead to obsessive worrying and anxiety for the last 5 months. It was directly connected to a liver detox a chiropractor / AK recommended. Whatever the liver detox did to me, unleashed and ravaged my life for the last 5 months. Ongoing anxiety attacks and obsessive worrying. I went to a dr and all they wanted to do is prescrive meds and kept assuring me its normal and most of the population takes them. Umm... No thanks.. I was not like this before this event so something must have happened.

To make a long story short. As for treatments...
- I tried valerium, holy basil, lemon balm, anxiety supplements, vitamin b complex, and all of the sorts.
- I tried hypnosis, chiropractic and other forms of therapy which did not work.

To narrow down what did work.
- The chiropractic helped releive minor anxiety for less than a day.
- Acupuncture was the holy grail to a true feeling of calmness and relieve. Other times after intense work outs I felt like I did not have anxiety, I didn't.. But subconciously I was worried and obsessivly thinking about dying and all sorts of horrible feelings. The difference was after my 3rd visit, I felt a true "release" of all the worries. What did the accupuncture do? I don't know exactly but from my research of the points they put on my body, I am guessing even though my thyroid levels were normal, I could have been out of balance. My other feeling on this, I have noticed a drastic increase in many pepole I know having these exact same issues, not a coincdene considering the radiation fallout from japan has already circled several times. Radiation is bad for the thyroid, thyroid issues will cause panic, anxiety and depression.

So the game plan:
- Read positive books such as Think and Grow Rich, Tony Robbins products.
- Get Acupuncture and Chiropractic treatments
- Take hot epsom salt baths with essential oils for scents to stimulate your brain
- High Intenseity exercise and daily walks
- Socialize even if you are not in the mood, be around positive people that will push you outside of your comfort zone.
- Take at least 2000-3000mg of fish oil/day ACV every third day
- Get your thyroid checked!
- Cry it out if you have to, there are stored emotions you should not hold back. At some point you wont be able to cry anymore, crying is a way for the body to release. Why do you think people cry?