Hylands Nerve Tonic for Anger

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Showing 5 Star Reviews

Serach (Boston, Ma) on 05/17/2012
5 out of 5 stars

I have had a terrible anger problem for most of my life. Recently, I had found myself yelling and breaking dishes. The anger felt very physical- like it was primarily coming from stress, I was very irritable and also would cry uncontrollably, often i'd rage, then cry then rage etc.

Its ok to cry of course, but I find I often get lost in it , drown in it and just cant stop.

The woman in the nutrition section suggested hylands nerve tonic, it's homeopathic and is not counterindicated by meds etc. It contains 500 pills and cost $16 . Maybe you can get it even cheaper over the net.

Since I started taking it I have had only one angry outburst in about 3 weeks even despite being exhausted and in a lot of pain, and far less crying. I am amazed at how much it helped. I highly recommend it.