Ice Cravings for Anemia

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Angela (Tallahassee, Florida) on 08/13/2008
5 out of 5 stars

In response to the lady who ate everyone's ice and craved lemons. Eating ice is a common sign of anemia. You are/were deficient in iron. A very serious problem. Lemons are nature's natural antibiotic. Our bodies "know" what they need. When we crave chocolate we are deficient in the minerals chromium and vanadium and these deficiencies are the cause of diabetes. Just "know" that when you are craving something your body is trying to tell you it's seriously deficient in minerals, vitamins, amino acids, essential fatty acids, etc. If you are craving sugary, salty, etc things, maybe even things that are not even "food" substances, get yourself on a high quality LIQUID mineral suppliment immediately and start taking vitamins (liquid if possible) in addition to them. (There are 92 so you can't get by with taking 5 or 6.) You will find an almost immediate relief and healing. In addition, make sure you drink a tsp or 2 of _____'s Apple Cider Vinegar in a glass of water every day to get your Ph in a slightly alkaline state. This environment is not conducive to viruses, bacterias, cancers, tumors, fungus, molds, etc. It cleanses your system, breaks down fat cells and cellulite, flushes out your kidneys and fat, helps or stops arthritis pain and multiple other problem areas including acid reflux. I could go on forever. I hope this helps someone to have a more healthy life!
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