Quercetin for Allergies

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Unapiccolina (Irvine, Ca) on 01/14/2012:
5 out of 5 stars

I have had horrible allergies for 20 years and have taken just about everything. At the health food store I came across Quercetin & Bromelain. The Quercetin helps with histamine production. The Bromelain (comes from pineapple) helps with sinus swelling. If you are allergic to pineapple you shouldn't take this. Also Vitamin C helps the immune system.

I just wish someone had shared this with me 20 years ago. It took about a week to work for me, but I now wake up every morning without headaches, grogginess, stuffy nose, or puffy eyes. This is what I have been taking and it has been life changing!

Quercetin - 500 mg or more

Bromelain - 250 mg or more

Vitamin C - 1,000 mg

In researching Quercetin, I also found that it's naturally occuring in foods like black/green tea, red onion, apples, red grapes, tomato, cranberries, spinach, broccoli, carrots, strawberries, blueberries and pears. I have also been eating more of these items as well.

Hope this helps,


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Jr (Coloma, Mi) on 05/03/2011:
5 out of 5 stars

My husband has had bad allergies all of his life and has been on prescription anti-histimines since he was about 17 (he's 64 now). The homeopathic person that's helping him out put him on Quercitin. He is absolutely astonished that he has no trouble with allergies now. She recommended a particular brand which I guess I can't mention but it has 500mg of Vit C, 1000 mg of Quercetin, 140 mg Bromelain, 100mg Citrus Bioflavonoids, 25 mg Acerola, 25mg Rose hips and 20 mg Rutin. She recommended he take 2 a day. It seems it only took a month or so and he was allergy free. Now he only takes them once in awhile when he feels he needs them. He also takes MSM for his knees but it isn't helping much.
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