Altitude Sickness Home Remedies

Modified on Jul 06, 2018 | Earth Clinic Team

Altitude Sickness Home Remedies

Whether a vacation to the mountains or a business trip to a place of high elevation, a benign journey may become a gloomy experience if the travel includes unexpected headache fatigue and nausea. These flu-like symptoms may not be the result of a virus but of the body's difficulty adjusting to the higher elevation and thinner air. Natural remedies for altitude sickness can be very helpful and include blackstrap molasses, vitamin e, gingko biloba, and preparing ahead of time.

Natural Remedies for Altitude Sickness


Ginger root is a great herb for the circulatory system. It is especially helpful if one of the symptoms of altitude sickness is nausea. Ginger can be taken in capsules or as a tea. Candied ginger slices are delicious and a great way to get plenty of ginger.

Vitamin E

Vitamin E is necessary for the blood to be well oxygenated. Vitamin E can thin the blood and should only be used by those on blood thinning medications with doctor's approval.

Blackstrap Molasses

Blackstrap molasses is full of nutrients and is another natural remedy for altitude sickness. Taking 1 tablespoon twice daily. Ideally, begin taking it a week or two before a trip.

Gingko Biloba

Ginkgo Biloba is a herb that dilates the blood vessels, allowing good oxygen flow throughout the body. 


Staying well hydrated is important. Water or herbal tea is ideal. Coffee, sodas, and energy drinks are not good ways to get hydrated. A pinch of sea salt in a glass of water helps the body's cells to retain the water instead of having it flush through the system.

Preparing Ahead of Time

Spend a week or two "training" for a trip to the higher elevation. If health permits, try some burst training - short bursts of running, cycling, jogging, etc, to prepare the heart and lungs. 

Be sure to pack remedies ahead of time - ginkgo biloba capsules, candied ginger, and blackstrap molasses.

Who Gets Acute Mountain Sickness?

Many people experience a mild form of altitude sickness when traveling through mountainous regions or staying at ski resorts. Fitness levels and overall health are not factors in determining who will get this disorder. In fact, it's virtually impossible to predict who is susceptible. Previously experiencing this disorder, however, makes individuals more prone to additional bouts.

Mountain Sickness Complications

Acute mountain sickness can be dangerous because if left unchecked, as it can progress to high altitude pulmonary edema or high altitude cerebral edema. Shortness of breath while at rest, confusion, unsteadiness, or vomiting are signs that immediate medical attention and lower elevation should be sought.

Continue reading below where you will find recommendations to deal with altitude sickness from our readers!

Do you have a natural remedy for altitude sickness? Please pass it along!

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List of Remedies for Altitude Sickness