Licorice for Acid Reflux

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Ali (Wales) on 05/05/2021
5 out of 5 stars

Elevated blood pressure can often be due to a sodium & potassium imbalance. The modern diet tends to be high in sodium & low in potassium, especially if little or no fresh fruit & vegetables are consumed. Whilst sodium can raise BP, potassium can lower it.

Licorice is often blamed for raising BP, however because potassium is likely required by components in the licorice in order for it to work properly in the body, it can potentially make an already existing potassium deficiency worse. The real issue may therefore not be the Licorice as such, but the lack of enough potassium.

In order to mitigate this possibility it is important to get enough potassium-rich foods in the diet generally, & especially if consuming Licorice root. Rather than removing the highly beneficial Glycyrrhizin, would it not make more sense to advise a higher consumption of potassium-rich foods?

Licorice has been used medicinally & highly beneficially for thousands of years. But it’s only in the last century that dietary focus has veered from a more natural diet featuring abundant plant foods, to high sodium, low potassium highly processed, & high animal product consumption.

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Zark (Emerald City, The Land Of Oz) on 03/18/2014
5 out of 5 stars

Yes, I was using Licorice tea and drinking it with my meals. It did help (Rutin was better though).

K (Phoenix, Az) on 06/16/2011
5 out of 5 stars

I had terrible acid reflux a couple years ago. Went to the doctor and she prescribed some medication. When I asked how long I had to be on it, she said she didn't know. Apparently some people are on for life. I never filled the prescription. Instead I did some research and in addition to dramatically reducing my soda intake I started taking chewable (saliva enhances the effectiveness) DGL (deglycyrrhizinated licorice). Research and you will find several articles saying DGL cures ulcers! Take it 20 minutes prior to eating each meal (up to 3 times/day). I went from having acid reflux every day-all day to seldom if ever. I no longer vomit stomach acid in the morning and I am able to eat spicy foods again. I also don't have to take it before every meal anymore. I only take it before I eat spicy foods.

Two last things, if you don't like licorice, they do have German Chocolate flavored DGL which helps to disguise the flavor. Secondly, if you have high blood pressure, make sure you buy the kind that has the glycyrrhizin compound (associated with high blood pressure) removed.


Denise (HUDDERSFIELD, UK) on 04/09/2009
5 out of 5 stars

Why drink an acid to cure a stomach acid problem? I have severe Grastric Reflux and have suffered for the last three years. I have tried everything, believe me. I am currently taking medication, which helps, but I still can't walk a hundred yards without thinking I am about to have a heart attack. I have been known to throw up becuase the acid gets so bad. Laying down is a nightmare. My Doctor even sent me for an Angiogram just to makesure I didn't have angina, guess what, my hearts fine, but my stomach isn't. I try to avoid any foods that I know cause my acid to flare-up, I eat healthy, I even gave up smoking, which help a great deal. I have shares in a well known ant-acid company from the amount I have to buy, not that they really do any good when it is this severe. But nothing has been able to stop the pain I feel every single day. However, that changed. What I have found that helps is liquorice root which you can buy from any herbalist. I have been using it for the last few days and I feel so much better. Last night I went to bed and got to sleep straight away and didn't wake up with a sore throat. I have been able to eat without the desire to be sick afterwards. My walking has improved too. I can't wait to tell my doctor next week. Next I am going to add natural silicon to my diet, which I have been told will help repair the damage that is being caused by the acid.
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Floyd Alexander (Louisville, Ky. Jefferson) on 01/19/2009
5 out of 5 stars

acid reflux: 9.99 for one hundred. It's a Herbal supplement called DGL LICORICE. 1 in the morning and one in the evening. Take the whole bottle. after that I take one pill about 4 or 5 times a wk. End of problem.

Katie (Chicago, IL) on 09/02/2008
5 out of 5 stars

I have had moderate success with DGL wafers. It is the glycyrrhizic acid that is the cause of most of the side effects of licorice, including high blood pressure. Therefore, DGL (deglycyrrhizinated licorice) which has had the glycyrrhizic acid removed is thought to be much safer. As with any herbal, exercise caution and seek the advice of a medical professional who has experience with herbs.

Frank R (Anytown, USA) on 04/05/2008
5 out of 5 stars

I developed acid reflux and ulcers due to stress in my job. I did not read anyone having stress induced acid reflux. This developed in 1986 and I still have it.

I have taken tagament to Prilosec with varying degrees of result. When I took Prilosec I was told it was only for 30 days and then never again. That was in 1997 and of course that was not true.

The worse thing is when contents of my stomach decide to go up my throat and into my lungs when I am sleeping. It does not matter what I eat, how much, or when I still get these scary episodes.

I have not tried vinegar for this but use it for hiccups. I figure it shocks the system. When I know my stomach is going to be a problem I eat saltine crackers (baking sode is in them), eat yogurt, and drink lots of water. Sometimes it really helps, sometimes it only minimizes the discomfort, or I wait until my digestive system has moved along any food.

One thing I have learned is to try avoiding drugs if you can and that each person really is an individual which inclues our bological systems.

Having lived in Europe a lot of my life I found black licorice made in Germany helps my acid reflux too. It is not like what is found in the United States. Moms often give it to kids with stomach aches. I happen to like and have my German friends mail it to me.

Has anyone else ever used black licorice for acid reflux? It is a natural drug free treatment.

I wish good health to everyone.


Sandi (La Mesa, CA) on 12/30/2006
5 out of 5 stars

DGL (licorice supplements) Important to use dgl and not just licorice, which can raise blood pressure. Cured my acid reflux. Immediately got rid of acid reflux symptoms with the first tablet. Still working pretty well, but it seems to also be important to discover food sensitivities for ongoing cure. It's ongoing use of 800 milogram ibuprofen contributed to acid reflux.

Deirdre (Los Angeles, CA) on 04/10/2006
5 out of 5 stars

I haven't had an issue with acid reflux until this past weekend when I over-ate (mostly thick chunks of bread) at a dinner party on Friday night. 3 hours later I had intense burning and pain in my upper right intestinal tract, just under my liver/gallbladder. When the pain and burning spread to my entire upper intestinal tract and didn't ease up after 48 hours, I decided to research some home remedies for gastritis. I ended up buying chewable DGL (licorice root extract) at Whole Foods last night... I knew it was great for healing ulcers, why not gastritis?! I chewed two tablets and within 30 minutes, the burning and pain had stopped. Today I am almost back to 100% (just a slight sensation of burning). I hope other people will give this supplement a shot for acid reflux. DGL supports the lining of the stomach and intestinal tract. One more thing -- Licorice Root Extract raises blood pressure, but DGL is licorice root extract without the compound that raises blood pressure -- glycyrrhizin -- so you can take it every day supposedly, 20 minutes before a meal.