Natural Cures for Sinus Infection in Children

Modified on Dec 05, 2017

There’s nothing more disturbing, especially to a parent, than to watch your little one sick, unable to breathe properly.  We’ve all had that overwhelming desire to find and do something that would help our child to feel better from a sinus infection.  Our readers have sent us many suggestions and reports on what worked – or didn’t – for them. 

What are Sinus Infections?

Sinus infections, or sinusitis, occur when the moist air spaces around the nose become irritated and swollen.  Usually sinusitis follows on the heels of colds or bouts with allergies and is a very common ailment.  There are four sets of sinuses, or hollow spaces.  They are lined with mucous membranes that are the same as those lining the nose and mouth.  When nasal passages become swollen and produce more mucus, the sinuses do as well.  When mucus cannot drain from the sinuses because the drainage system is blocked, the mucus becomes trapped in the sinuses.  This becomes a breeding ground for viruses, bacteria and fungi.  The initial cold has now become a sinus infection.

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    List of Remedies for Sinus Infections