Natural Cures for Sinus Infection in Children

Modified on Dec 05, 2017 | Earth Clinic Team

There’s nothing more disturbing, especially to a parent, than to watch your little one sick, unable to breathe properly.  We’ve all had that overwhelming desire to find and do something that would help our child to feel better from a sinus infection.  Our readers have sent us many suggestions and reports on what worked – or didn’t – for them. 

What are Sinus Infections?

Sinus infections, or sinusitis, occur when the moist air spaces around the nose become irritated and swollen.  Usually sinusitis follows on the heels of colds or bouts with allergies and is a very common ailment.  There are four sets of sinuses, or hollow spaces.  They are lined with mucous membranes that are the same as those lining the nose and mouth.  When nasal passages become swollen and produce more mucus, the sinuses do as well.  When mucus cannot drain from the sinuses because the drainage system is blocked, the mucus becomes trapped in the sinuses.  This becomes a breeding ground for viruses, bacteria and fungi.  The initial cold has now become a sinus infection.


The symptoms for sinusitis vary according to the age of the child. Young children often have colds and a slight fever.  However, if a fever develops 5-7 days after the onset of the cold symptoms, this indicates an infection has set in. The infection might be sinusitis, but could also signal the development of pneumonia or another infection, so get a diagnosis from your doctor.

Kids don’t develop the sinuses in the forehead until they are 6-7 years old. These particular sinuses aren’t formed sufficiently to get infected until the child is a young teen. So a pre-teen with a cold and a headache probably does not have a sinus infection.

The most common symptom of sinusitis in teens is that cough that won’t get better.  This normally starts about a week after the beginning of the cold, the fever, congestion and ear ache. Teens may also suffer from headaches, nausea and pain behind the eyes.

Natural Remedies for Sinus Infections in Children

The goal of sinusitis treatment is to eliminate the infection and to relieve inflammation and clear the nasal passage to make breathing easier.  Lowering the risk of developing sinus infections or reducing their frequency is important.  When the sinus infections do develop, there are a number of effective natural remedies.

Prevent and Treat Sinus Infections with Moisture

Prevent your home from becoming abnormally dry during the winter heating season.  Use a humidifier with a few drops of Eucalyptus or Rosemary Essential Oil and keep the humidity in the home at 45-50%.  Keeping the sinuses moist makes them less prone to infection.  Don’t forget to clean the humidifier often to prevent the growth of mold. 

Once the sinus infection has taken hold, use a steamy shower before bed to help the child feel less congested.  During the day, you can just fill the bathroom with steam from the running shower and spend time in the bathroom with the child. 

Don’t forget to teach the child to wash his or her hands thoroughly and often (as well as everyone else in the home).

Saline Rinse

Irrigating nasal passages with a mixture of sea salt and water helps to loosen mucus and eliminate infection.

Apple Cider Vinegar

Organic apple cider vinegar is one of the most popular treatments for sinus infections. Use 1-2 teaspoons of ACV in a glass of water twice a day (honey optional). Some children refuse to drink the vinegar water, so ACV capsules might be an option.

There are many successful treatments for children’s sinus infections.  Please share your favorites with us!

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List of Remedies for Sinus Infections