Natural Cures for Hair Loss in Children

Modified on Oct 31, 2022 | Earth Clinic Team

While hair loss is largely considered an adult condition, it can just as easily affect children. Just knowing it is a fairly common childhood condition isn’t enough to calm your fears or your child’s anxiety about hair loss, though. We have a variety of natural treatment options, however, that will help you and your child deal with the condition. Apple cider vinegar, biotin, and coconut oil are three of the best options for treating hair loss in children naturally.

What Causes Hair Loss in Children?

The most common cause of hair loss in children is alopecia. The condition is one in which the body’s immune system actually attacks the hair follicles causing a significant loss of hair all at once. A number of factors may contribute to this condition including insufficient nutrition, infection, allergic responses, and stress.

Are There Other Conditions that Cause Hair Loss in Kids?

In addition to alopecia areata, a number of other causes may contribute to hair loss. Many children experience common fungal infections known as tinea capitis or scalp ringworm, which may cause hair loss. Additionally, traction alopecia causes hair loss due to the hair being pulled too tightly while trichotillomania is hair loss that results as a child pulls or twists his or her hair repeatedly.

Are There Any Natural Remedies I Can Try?

No matter the cause of your child’s hair loss, you can treat it naturally. While different treatments are more effective for different conditions, three of the most universal treatment options include apple cider vinegar, biotin, and coconut oil.

1. Apple Cider Vinegar

Apple cider vinegar functions in two main ways to restore hair loss. First, this slightly acidic liquid works to restore an alkaline state in the body. As the pH is restored to a more functional level, infection is remedied as is the normal growth process of the hair. Second, apple cider vinegar delivers important nutrients to the body to restore the most optimal nutritional levels in the body.

2. Biotin

Biotin is a vitamin that is responsible for growing health hair. When taken as a daily supplement, biotin helps regrow lost hair and restore the nutrients present in the body.

3. Coconut Oil

Coconut oil also has dual purposes. It is a natural antifungal and anti-inflammatory agent. As such, it helps eliminate infections that contribute to hair loss as well as reduce inflammation in the immune system that may be causing the hair loss.

Dealing with child hair loss is a difficult task, but these treatment options can help. Try one of our suggestions or add yours to our reader contributed database of cures below!

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List of Remedies for Hair Loss