Enlarged Adenoids Natural Remedies

Natural Remedies for Enlarged Adenoids in Children

Modified on Oct 15, 2023

Children with enlarged adenoids often face surgery, but did you know natural remedies can be effective? Infections and genetics can enlarge adenoids, but treatments like coconut oil, garlic, and vitamin C offer non-surgical relief, reducing inflammation and possibly avoiding surgery.

Natural Remedies for Children's Enlarged Adenoids

1. Coconut Oil

Recognized for its antiviral, antibacterial, and anti-inflammatory properties, coconut oil can combat adenoid inflammation and infections. A teaspoon given 1-3 times daily is recommended for children.

2. Colloidal Silver

Ideal for older children who can gargle, two teaspoons of colloidal silver helps target adenoid infections. Alternatively, nebulizing colloidal silver accesses the nasal cavity effectively. Check out this video for more details. 

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    List of Remedies for Enlarged Adenoids