Urine Therapy for Asthma

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Rod272 (Edmonton, Alberta) on 05/23/2015
5 out of 5 stars

When my son was two he was diagnosed with asthma. He had some fairly serious attacks that left him in the hospital. I just about lost him a couple of times. The specialist told me he had a particularly brittle case that would always require steroids. I didn't accept this, and tried many alternative therapies with varying degrees of success.

I brought him to a TCM doctor about three years ago and with his help was able to get him off of steroids. He still had periods of difficulty breathing, but the swings weren't as extreme as the ones he had while on meds.

He was still wetting the bed. I thought it must be related to the asthma. The western doctors told me this was an entirely different problem that required the attention of a specialist. (I knew not to go to a specialist.) The TCM doctor thought it was related. He was able to improve the problem but it was still happening 1-2 times a week. This is not an easy problem for a 12 year old to deal with.

We had tried so many things he had given up. I convinced him to drink his own urine, a cup every morning and within a week his bed wetting and asthma were entirely gone. It's been over 6 months without another occurrence. I wish I had discovered this earlier. I think we could have avoided alot of unnecessary suffering.

Occasionally, I still wake up in a panic wondering if my son can breathe. I know it's other kids out there struggling for breath. You parents out there struggling with this disease, I'm with you. Urine therapy might work you the way it did for my son.

Rod 272rip(at) gmx.com