Natural Cures for Children with Asthma

Modified on Feb 02, 2021

Few things are scarier than watching your child wheeze and pant, struggling to get enough air, but this nightmare is a common reality for many parents. According to research, nearly 20 million Americans suffer with asthma while roughly 9 million of those asthma sufferers are children. But, there is hope if your child is one of the many who have asthma. In addition to regular medical care, natural cures for asthma help relieve asthma symptoms and support effective lung function. Some of the best treatments for childhood asthma include cayenne pepper, omega-3 fats, ginger, turmeric, and dietary and lifestyle changes.

What Is Asthma?

Asthma is considered a chronic disease that adversely affects the airways. The airways are long tubes that carry air to and from the lungs. With asthma, the lungs and airways become inflamed when exposed to specific triggers, such as pollen. Childhood asthma is often triggered by a number of other common causes including cold air, physical activity, exposure to pollutants, and changes in the weather.

Certain factors contribute to or increase your child’s likelihood of developing asthma. Exposure to tobacco smoke, previous allergic reactions, a family history of allergic reactions, and exposure to frequent air pollution are some of the most prevalent risk factors. Additionally, low birth weight, obesity, a chronic runny or stuffy nose, severe lower respiratory tract infection, inflamed sinuses, and heartburn may also case asthma.

What Are the Warning Signs of an Asthma Attack?

Knowing what to look for when your child is about to have an asthma attack or in the midst of one is crucial to acting appropriately and in a timely manner. While certain children exhibit different warning signs and even symptoms, several are common throughout kids. Common symptoms include severe wheezing, incessant coughing, very rapid breathing, chest pain, tightened neck and chest muscles, difficulty talking, anxiety, pale or sweaty face, and blue lips or fingernails.

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