Why Did My Omega 3 Capsules Dissolve a Foam Cup?

Posted By Loraine (Orlando) on 06/26/2015

Hey Guys....We have all heard everyone saying use your omegas daily, its very healthy for you etc.....so I decided to give it a try. I purchased a Norwegian brand fish oil and use about six each day. I break the capsules, put the liquid in some orange juice and drink it on a daily basis. On this particular day (yesterday) I broke the caps like I normally do and leave the contents in a foam cup until I was ready to drink it. I went back about five minutes later to do so and what do I find...the bottom of the cup looks like something ate through it and all the contents were on the countertop. I picked up the cup and the bottom just fell off. I stood there really worried and perplexed. Anyone knows why this happened? I am now really worried when I think what this must be doing to my insides.

Help guys...will welcome an explanation. Thank you everyone in advance for your answers.


Replied by Robert Henry (Ten Mile , Tn. ) on 06/26/2015

HI U LORAINE, , , , , , , , , Got two idol doctors and they disagree now over fish oil and vegetable oil. They once were good buddies and now they don't recognize one another. Is life strange or what?

For a long time fish oil was the cat's meow. Now the world says vegetable oil. Myself, I don't have a clue. Do you?

I just tell my wife not to buy low fat stuff at Walmart. We try to avoid all store bought stuff.

For certain, don't do the Stars and Bars because the boogie man will get you.



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