What Levels of MMS2 Should One Start With?

Posted By Sue (Austin, Tx) on 03/22/2012

Can you tell me what levels of MMS2 you started with? We are taking 1/2 of an "0" capsule and within 5 minutes we have mild headaches, stomach upset and nausea. We did much research and spoke with the friends who led us to MMS, but since most people do the MMS1, we are re-thinking our decisions. We are not new to homeopathy, but we are concerned about the MMS2. Any advice?

Replied by Tomsteyn (Adelaide, Australia) on 10/27/2012

start slowly and the best size capsule is no. 3-- 1/3 size of 0 size, buy them on the internet, also put it down with a little lemonade or tonic water you dont need as much fluid and it is more accepting to the stomach. I have been taking the equivilant of 1x 0 size capsule per day in 3x seperate doses per day, as a constant regime for 9 months, stand back for the benefits but sometimes you may have to wait while it gets rid of something. Remember smaller amounts each time is better, all the best Tomsteyn

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