Juvenile Arthritis Borax Dose

Posted By Ange (California) on 02/16/2023

Hi there,

Can you tell me what a child's dose of borax/boron would be (men 1/4 teaspoon, women 1/8 teaspoon)? Especially a 6yr child with juvenile arthritis?

Or direct me to a website that would tell me this?

Many thanks,



Replied by Madelyn (Idaho ) on 02/16/2023

Hi Ange,

I give my six year old son around an 1/8 of a teaspoon a few times per week. If I were to give it more often I’d just cut that amount in half. I also put borax in his bath water from time to time. It’s absorbed through the skin.

I would also give vitamin D so his levels are at the upper end of the range. Jeff Bowles has some very good info regarding using vitamin D for autoimmune conditions.

Take Care :)

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