Which is Better, Lugol's Iodine Vs. Atomidine?

Posted By Mariangeles (Puerto Rico) on 05/26/2016

Hello Bill,.

First, I want to thank you for all the good info you provide..

Now I have a question about lugol's iodine... How does it compare to atomidine? Someone recomended it as the best. It's a product that was "formulated" by edgar cayce. Thank you for your reply and many blessings to you.


Replied by ella (CA) on 07/17/2021

Good question? Sorry no one answered, as it was what was on my mind too. I myself, after seaching on the net will go with Atomidine, because Edgar Cayce was the Man. If you need a wow experience; check out this book on him, There is a River. He was the real deal, and there has not been anyone else who has come along like him. His ability to diagnose illness was astounding.
REPLY   2      

Replied by Kitty P. (Tennessee) on 09/13/2021

I have the same question. If anyone else has found an answer I hope you will share it.

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