Lugol's Iodine: Treatment and Side Effects

Modified on Dec 05, 2023

Orthomolecular research is focused on preventing and treating disease by determining how much of a certain natural substance the body needs and then determining the best way to provide it. Lugol's Iodine (LI) is a substance that can be of tremendous benefit to us when we ensure that we have the right amount in our bodies. We can suffer from a wide range of illnesses simply because our bodies are deficient in this miraculous iodine.

Here are some of the benefits of Lugol's Iodine for the body:

  • Essential for proper thyroid health.
  • Useful anti-oxidant.
  • Efficient anti-pathogen-kills most forms of bacteria, viruses, and fungi quickly.
  • Effectively works to reverse hypo- and hyperthyroid conditions.
  • Has anti-biofilm surfactant properties.
  • Acts as an anti-histamine at larger dosages.
  • Detoxes cadmium, aluminum, lead, mercury, arsenic, and other poisons.
  • Detoxes fluorine and bromine.
  • Helps to balance the body's hormone system.
  • Essential for all hormone receptor activity and health (not just the thyroid gland).
  • Raises metabolism, making it more efficient.
  • Essential for proper immune system health.
  • Essential immune system component of mucus glands throughout the body.
  • Essential for bone health.
  • Promotes skin, hair, and nail health.
  • Promotes healthy digestion.
  • Reduces excessive mucus production.
  • Helps properly regulate estrogen in the ovaries.
  • Decreases insulin needs/helps diabetes.
  • Iodine has mucolytic action (clears excess mucus in the lungs, nose, etc.).
  • Increases energy (increases ATP production).
  • Essential for early brain development.
  • Lowers cholesterol and reduces arterial plaque build-up.
  • Radiation protection.

Please note that many of the above benefits from supplementing Lugol's Iodine have nothing whatsoever to do with the thyroid gland. Our thyroid gland is not the only part of our body that needs iodine. We should also ask: What other diseases and problems can (and will) arise if there is insufficient iodine/iodide for our brain, stomach, intestines, ears, hormone receptors, breasts, eyes, skin, uterus, prostate, salivary glands, lungs, and immune system These are all iodine user/storage sites

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    List of Remedies for Lugol's Iodine Treatment