Side Effects Experienced: What Should I Safely Take?

Posted By Gene (Gatineau, QC, Canada) on 05/14/2008

Hi, I have tried some of the remedies found on the site but unfortunately, they either didn't work or only partially did. So far, I tried some of the Cayenne pepper remedies for treating a sore throat and this resulted in interference with my anti-seizures medication plus irritated my stomach (was treated for a peptic ulcer a few years ago and before the flu, I could feel the symptoms returning) to the point that I now feel bloated, a bit nauseous, acid mouth and tongue (tongue discoloration and "cracks") which I suspect this to be Acid Reflux. I do need to boost my immune system but I'm afraid that most concoctions I've read might just aggravate my stomach problem.

So, to play it safe, I've started using the basic sodium bicarb and water (3 times/day) recipe and rinsing my mouth with a stronger SB/water solution 4 to 5 times per day. I also was recommended by a health food consultant that I should take Probiotics which could help in many areas but today, I read one of Ted's posts that Sodium Bicarb could nullify the effect of the Probiotics. In conclusion, I'm now confused about what I should do or take. I also have raw garlic, ACV, hydrogen peroxide, green tea (which also irritated my stomach after a 4 day use), cayenne pepper and a few other products mentioned in either Ted's and user's posts but I'm weary about taking any of them on account of my sensitive digestive system. Any help would be appreciated, this is my third post on this site and I am hoping for an answer. Thanks, Gene


Replied by Lynn (Marysville, WA) on 07/28/2008

It is my second time trying acv and baking soda. Having same problem with it. I am bloated, tired, and i feel like i am on the verge of a yeast infection. also I get a canker sore in the same place I did last time I did acv and soda. only doing 1 tbl spoon a day now no signs of improvement.can any one help with this? I want to be an acv user.

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