Can Lugol's Solution Expire in 30 Days?

Posted By Pavel (Moskow) on 06/19/2016

Lugol solution 5% expire date


I have a 20ml lugol's bottle with content:
17g Distilled water
1000mg Iodium Purum

They told me it will expire after 30 days? Is this true or its all about money?


Replied by Robert (Martinez, Ca) on 06/20/2016

'General' expiration is 1-year unopened & 9-months after opening. Dates vary according to some mfgr's such as Crow's who states 5-10yr life. One source says 30yrs. Tablets last longer than liquid & per 'authorities' here, (FDA, NRC, etc.), indefinitely if stored properly. Manufacturers are required to post a expiration date which is not 'actual' but merely meeting the requirement to post. Even beer has a exp. date! It's a reference but is important on compound meds where the chems lose strength or 'morph' into unknown potentially toxic substances. "30 days" for your Lugols is questionable based on net searches.
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