Wondering About Safety of Lugol's Iodine

Posted By Amanda S (Miami, Florida) on 07/17/2016

I recently came across this site and I have been reading all about the Iodine Lugol's. I am a person who has PCOS, hypothyroidism, and some resistance to insulin (related to my PCOS). I was very interested in this information, however, while researching, I came across this article (http://healthwyze.org/reports/54-iodine-supplementation) which states that iodine supplementation is bad as it causes many side effects and can even cause death. There are two material data safety sheets on the Iodine Lugol's as well. http://healthwyze.org/archive/azer_scientific_lugols_iodine_msds_archived.pdf and http://www.sciencelab.com/msds.php?msdsId=9924378 . This has made me very concerned and I was wondering if you can explain this to put my mind to rest.

Replied by Mike (Wilkes Barre, PA) on 09/13/2022

That's a warning sheet for people who work with the manufacturing of lugol's.

Replied by Howard (Raleigh North Carolina ) on 10/06/2022

What is the safety of Lugols solution

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