How Can Blackstrap Molasses Be Good for You as a Sugar?

Posted By Jen (Mallorca, Spain) on 08/20/2017

Question regarding Blackstrap Molasses


Thank you for your information on my subject and in fact I tried this and have no adverse affects I started with a teaspoon a day also putting it directly on my hair which I have noticed a nice shine (or maybe that was from ACV! )

Now to my question.....what I cannot get my head around is the fact that its SUGAR even sugar in fruit can be damaging so how can this derivative of pure cane sugar be good for us as sugar is sugar, no! Can any amount of nutritional beneifts outway the fact that its still sugar.!?

Would love to get feed back regarding my question as this is stopping me from using it as many claim such as Dr. Mercola claim sugar is sugar and should not be consumed!

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