Need Peroxide Inhalation Recipe to Help Brother With Heavy Smokers Cough

Posted By Lily (Lemont, Illinois ) on 10/22/2021

Hello! I'm going to start giving my brother nebulize hydrogen peroxide treatments for breathing issues from heavy smoking. Can you recommend a recipe for the nebulizer? I have 3% food grade, saline solution, and lugols iodine 2%. I want to make sure my concentration is strong enough to be effective.

Replied by Penny (Queensland) on 10/25/2021

Hi, I have very little experience with nebulising HP but I would recommend caution with dosing if you haven't yet started. I find it is a very strong therapy. I had a good resolution of a respiratory issue after one 5 minute 3% blast with the nebuliser. However it has triggered diarrhea which is showing no signs of easing up yet after 10 days. Dr Mercola recommends using a 0.1% solution which I think is a good place to start. After a lifetime of digestive issues my reaction is probably due to die off and hopefully will lead to digestive improvement. I hope your treatment is successful.
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Replied by BevilNC (NC) on 10/30/2021

This cured mine and my husbands cousin who had COPD:

So here is the recipe for “OMG I Can’t Breath”

  • Take the peel and as much of the thick white pith as you can get off of two Grapefruits (preferably Organic if not rinse them well under water prior to peeling)
  • Place your peels and pith in a small pot that has a good fitting unvented lid.
  • Cover with just enough distilled water to cover the peelings. (You will need to push them down to get this measurement because they will float as you add the water). Use ONLY distilled water. The fluoride and other toxic chemicals in tap water will concentrate when boiled and you do not want to ingest that crud!
  • Put the lid on the pot and put on med-high heat just until it starts to boil, then reduce it to a low simmer.
  • Let it simmer for 2 full hours. ***DO NOT TAKE THE LID OFF A SINGLE TIME DURING THE TWO HOURS! It helps to have a pot with a glass lid so you are certain when it reaches boil and need to turn it down. The lid acts as a distilling device getting the concentrated liquids back into your pot.
  • After 2 hours remove it from the heat and let it cool to close to room temperature. Now you can remove the lid.
  • Strain the liquid into a glass jar that has a lid for storing it in the refrigerator.
  • Take 1 Table Spoon (15 mls) every 2 hours until symptoms subside.

My pulse ox was 95% when I took my first dose and with in 45 minutes it was an easy 98% and I literally felt like I was breathing for the first time in weeks. With in 15 minutes of taking it you begin to cough up a lot of stuff and your lungs clear quickly. By the way, NEVER EVER EVER swallow anything you cough up at any time in life…always get a tissue or go outside and spit. Your lungs push out things that do not belong there and you do not need to introduce that bacteria into your digestive track to cause more trouble in your body.

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