Has Anyone Else Experienced Stomach Pain and Gas From Ingesting Apple Cider

Posted By Mug2k (Leicester, Leicestershire, England) on 02/28/2012

Hi, I've read about the wonders ACV can do for acne, I've had body acne (back & shoulders) for over 15 years and am desperate to get rid of it. I purchased some ACV 'with mother' from amazon in the UK, over the past few days I've taken just a capful in lots of water after a meal. By bedtime I have very mild discomfort but it gets progressively through night and will sometimes wake me up as it is really bad. I'll have lots of gas and will need to be on the toilet for up to 20 mins. I've also tried ACV tablets which give a similar outcome.

This cannot be normal, I found about ACV via a bodybuilding forum and loads of the members are singing its praises but I seem to be the only one that has these stomach pains. I really want to take this for the acne benefits amongst other things but the aches are running it for me. Has this happened to anybody else here? If so are there any workarounds/solutions?

Thanks, Marcus


Replied by Shawn G (Pittsburgh, Pa) on 12/05/2012

It makes my stomach hurt too... Haven't found out why though

Replied by Ed2010 (Oakville, Canada) on 12/06/2012

Apple cider vinegar is itself acetic acid. Drinking too much would cause intestinal pain it did for me. The first time I tried it 3 years ago. I was exited and had 3 times daily 1tsp mixed in a glass of water. Caused severe constipation and pain because of it.

Sometimes I wonder, few of the readers say they take 2 tbsp 3 times a day without baking soda.

So, the best way to take is with Baking Soda.

mix 1 tsp Apple Cider Vinegar with 1/4 tsp baking , after it fizzles out add a glass of water and sip it. No Gulp.

Know your body, observe what it needs. thanks


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