Questions About Diluting 3% Food Grade for H2O2 Inhalation Method

Posted By Regina (Lexington, Ky) on 02/18/2016

I just purchased food grade hydrogen peroxide 3%. Do I use as is or does it still have to be diluted and how much. Also, I tried to inhale 3% brown bottle from the drug store via Bill Muno's method & can't tell if it ever reached my lungs. When I inhaled it seems it only reaches the back of my throat since my throat was sore. I like that method but want to know if my lungs really benefit just spraying in the mouth as far as I can. Your help is appreciated.

Replied by Bill (San Fernando, Philippines) on 02/19/2016

Hi Regina...The spray that you should be using is not a rough sprayer but a sprayer that sprays out a very fine mist -- like spray from a perfume bottle or from an asthmatic anti-histamine inhaler. The spray has to be a very fine mist to reach into your lungs. There's a picture of a finemist pump sprayer on EC.

I've had a portable electric nebulizer for years that still works well -- I use that whenever I inhale hydrogen peroxide if I have sore throat, cold or flu or if I just need some energy.

The concentration or strength that I normally use for inhaling is 1.5% Hydrogen Peroxide. I just dilute the 3% volume with the same volume of water. With the nebulizer I inhale for between 5 to 10 minutes. I also just use the store-bought hydrogen peroxide that Bill Munro always used and advocated.

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