Confused About the Function of Apple Cider Vinegar

Posted By Anon444 (Melbourne, Florida, United States) on 03/28/2012

Can anyone tell me what is the real situation? I was so pleased to find this site and to find out that Apple Cider Vinegar cures constipation and loads of other problems. But when I took it, it had the opposite effect on me! Then when I looked back on a different part of this site it states that Apple Cider Vinegar works wonderfully for diarrhea? Which is it?

Replied by Jen (Bozeman, Mt, Us) on 03/29/2012

The reason why ACV works for so many different things is because of its alkalizing effect. If you are too acidic you can have a host of different problems. Constapation or diarhea, low stomach acid or high stomach acid, candida, migraines, sleep apnea, restless leg syndrome, gout, kidney problems etc.... Everyone's chemisty is different so the chemistry of ACV works different on everyone. On the other hand if you have candida issues which will make some people intolerant to ACV you may not get to see any of these benefits until the candida is gone. If I were you I would try it a few times before deciding it isn't for you. It could take days of using ACV before it begins to work on your problems or you may need to do a candida flush first. I have found the best think for my daughters constipation is a teaspoon of extra virgin coconut oil two to three times a day. As well as digestive enzymes before each meal.

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