Will Borax Protocol Work for Degenerative Disc Disease Diagnosis?

Posted By Susan (Asheville, NC, USA) on 04/01/2023

Will the borax protocol for arthritis work for a degenerative disc disease diagnosis?

I am 80 years old and in very good health other than a diagnosis of degenerative disc disease. I have pain in the left side of my lower back...mostly when standing up from a bend. I've been experiencing this for about 3 years. I take many supplements, eat a clean, healthy diet...no sugar, meat, dairy, wheat, etc. I do not take any prescribed medications. I've been under the care of an osteopath, acupuncturist, physical therapist. I walk about 45 to 60 minutes about 4 or 5 times a week and do light exercises and stretches. I so wish to overcome this pain and hope that the "borax cure" will help. Has anyone with my similar background had success with it?

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Replied by Art (California) on 04/01/2023


Some members of the EC community have reported that benefit from borax so it seems worth consideration. Another approach that I have found very helpful for DDD is this :



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