Blackstrap Molasses Vs. Honey

Posted By Jesse (Fort Worth, USA) on 07/23/2012

Is BSM better to use than pure honey. I was given a recipe for cancer. Pure honey, Aloe vera leaf and Whisky or Brandy.

Replied by Ed2010 (Oakville, Canada) on 07/23/2012

I have seen that recipe as well. It is better to use Honey as said in that, honey is totally ingenious product by nature.

Cancer Cure Recipe


Replied by Kelly (Mahopac, New York ) on 09/18/2016

Has anyone actually tried this remedy to cure cancer? And did it work? Also with the aloe Vera you take off the thorns. But do you keep the skin on or take the skin off?

Replied by Michael (New Zealand) on 09/19/2016


Hi Kelly of New York, My wife tells me that you have to get rid of the skin-it has been known to cause an irritation! Peel the lower inch or two of your Aloe Vera at the base when you need some and leave the rest (skin on) in the fridge! And here's the thing- not all Aloe Veras are made the same or created equal.

You had better do some in depth research, as there are some varieties that are much more effective than others, so you would likely want to take those for maximum benefit.

Cheers, Michael

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