
Posted By Maz (Manchester, Uk) on 06/02/2012

Hi there everybody, great website here with lots of info!!! Great stuff. I have a bit of a challenge though which I'm hoping someone can help with. I've suffered with fibroids for about 5 years now. Due to massive pain, large clots and excessive bleeding, I was adviced by my gynae to have a myomectomy almost 4years ago. Also mainly b'cos one of the fibroids apparently was about 9cm and was sitting on my womb and could do damage should I get pregnant. So I underwent the surgery which didn't make any difference to the pain, clots or excessive bleeding. I've been on Mefenamic acid for the pain and traxenemic acid for the bleeding for years.

Recently though, the pain became even greater and I started to research a lot for alternative remedies and fortunately chanced on this site. I decided to try BSM and ACV having read all the good testimonials about these products. I started taking 1 or 2 TBS of ACV with the mother with 6 to 8 drops of lemon juice in about 8ozs. of warm water twice daily and added 2 TBS of BSM to my tea twice a day. I started taking this about a month ago and was very excited and hopeful b'cos I was actually looking forward to my first menstrual flow in years minus the pain, clots and heavy bleeding.

Much to my disappointment though, a month on when I had my flow which was a few days ago, nothing had changed at all. If anything at all, the pain was much worse and for the first time, I ended up in hospital b'cos my husband had to call out the ambulance because I collapsed. Everything was the same. The heavy bleeding, massive clots and excruciating pain.

I started to drink ACV as well at the same time as BSM b'cos I have been on meds. for HBP for over 6yrs now. I was on Amlodipine but this was changed by my Doctor about a yr. Ago to Labetalol b'cos I wanted to try for a baby. I've moved from 100mg once a day to 100mg twice a day; then to 200mg twice a day and now on 400mg twice a day but still my HBP is uncontrolled.

I'm 41 now and although the Doctor keeps saying I'm too old to be trying for a baby, I don't think so. However, despite all the many testimonials of ACV having been used by others to lower their HBP, mine has not budged at all after a month. It keeps bordering on 140-160/85-105 and this is why the Doctor thinks I should pack the idea of trying for a baby in the first place. I don't know why both products didn't work for me, what I did wrongly or what I'm not doing. I am very disappointed now and hope that I could find something that will work. Help please!!!


Replied by Carly (Seattle, Wa - Usa) on 06/02/2012

Hi Maz, I am sorry the ACV and BSM didn't help your issues. I know what you are going through with the fibroids. It is a terrible, terrible thing.

I am just going to put a few thoughts out for you to research and decide for yourself on, and hope maybe one of them might lead you to something that will help you...

First of all, cysts and fibroids are estrogen driven. If you are at all over your ideal weight, your fat cells produce more of the "bad" (There are three types as I recall) type of estrogen. If you are not at your correct body mass index score, try to lose some weight.

Second: Research "DIM". (di-indole methane). DIM helps to normalize and convert "bad" estrogens into good estrogen. I have been taking DIM for a couple of years now, and will continue after all of the research I have done on it. Please do a web search on the benefits of DIM and estrogen normalization.

Third: Serrapeptase. I have mentioned it on EC a few times in the past month. It is an enzyme that breaks down dead proteins in the body so the body can expell them. Cysts, fibroids and scar tissue are dead proteins. It may also help to regulate BP and blood sugar. Please read up on serrapeptase as well. It is amazing.

I buy mine online - they are much less $$$ when ordered through a site like Vitacost (.) com than if you walk into a brick and mortar store.

Good luck to you.


Replied by Heather (Leicester) on 06/03/2012

Hi, as far as the BSM is concerned make sure you have the organic non sulphured type and take at least 2 tablespoons a day maybe more when you are mensturating, it will work. I take it straight from the spoon followed by a glass of water but everyone has a preferred method. Good Luck.

Replied by Nadine (Brisbane, Australia) on 12/28/2014

Hi, you may want to try also lugol's iodine or better still nascent iodine, as fibroids are often a sign of iodine deficiency.

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