What Should I Try for Canine Pemphigus?

Posted By Elaine (Thornton, Co) on 01/25/2016

I have a 12 year old Min Pin, Precious. About 7 years ago she was diagnosed with diabetes and is now on 14 units of Novalin N 2x daily. Precious is also blind due to cataracts.

About a year ago she was also diagnosed with Pemphigus - which I am to understand is an auto-immune issue. She was doing pretty well, but it's kicked up again and is making her miserable. She's on prednisone and that really messes with her insulin. Looking for any kind of alternative help for her.

I truly believe there's something out there for her. She eats very well too. Any help would be appreciated.


Replied by Om (Hope, Bc Canada) on 01/26/2016

Elaine (Thornton, Co)

I have been diabetic for some years now. When I started with insulin, I had adverse side effects and then began to do research. Here on EC, if you take the time, you will come across the evidence that the drug kills, not the disease. If you do research, also visit GreenMedInfo online about diabetes and you can see it right there.

Prednizone is a drug that covers up in addition of severe side effects which all allopathic drugs have in common. Also keep in mind Big Pharma forbids "Cures". It is all a business with bodies regardless of the moral implications.

I myself went immediately off the drug, having never taken drugs before in my life. I have a normal diet and small problems that I treat well with turmeric and high vit C. and the important exercise is high on the list.

Inform yourself, take charge and do not trust that system that is killing millions all over the planet. For example visit "The Truth bout Cancer" online which also mentions other diseases and aims to clear up the racket.

Bless you both. Namaste Om


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