What kind of treatment for dog who may have asthma

Posted By Donna (Lawrenceburg, Ky, Usa) on 02/01/2010

athsma in dogs

what kind of treatment for a dog that may have asthma? not sure if he has it or not...symptoms are like a backward sneeze. he almost sounds like he's wheezing. been doing it for about 3 months..since it's gotten colder. he did it for awhile shen i first got him..but it's happening more and more. any suggestions?


Replied by Linda (Wilmington, De) on 03/09/2010

We have a 4 1/2 year old lab who had an acute asthma attack in September, and a mild one this week. Don't know of any remedies, but did the steroid treatment and I used our nebulizer on her - my son and I have asthma too.

Replied by Rj (Atlanta, Georgia) on 03/23/2010

I have a 8 yr old cat with Asthma. I give him drops of a homeopathy medicine for pets that I get at the health food stores. It is designed for 'cough & asthma'.

Replied by Sashalani (Los Angeles, California, Usa) on 11/10/2010

Believe it or not Vitamin C in high doses for humans 15,000 - 20,000mg per day will reduce and/or eliminate asthma completely. It may do the same for your dog. Please let me know how it goes. P. S. You can NOT overdose on Vitamin C, the body will take what it needs and eliminate the rest through the bowels.

Replied by Annika (Mission Viejo, Ca) on 04/09/2012

After many tests at the vets, antibiotics for suspected kenel cough, xrays, Panacur, Heartworm test etc. my poodle / cocker spaniel mix was "diagnosed" with doggie Asthma.

His symptoms: hacking cough attacks.

The vets gave me a bronchodillator med and steroids . (Both seemed to be making him worse). The vets did not know anything about natural remedies, or even non natural.

I took the pups health into my own care and started researching like crazy. My findings led me to eventually get him on a dosage of:

1st protocol:
2 doses astralugus/ per day (2 capsules 2x/day)
2 doses of muellin/ per day ("" "")

Diet change:
cooking yams, chicken, ground turkey, pinch of sea salt.

2nd Protocol:
MSM powder put in gelatin capsules (approx 500mg / capsule). So 2000 mg per day. Administer morning and evening. (EXTREMELY HELPFUL, noticed improvement almost immediately)

Lastly, this elixir has Astralagus in it, and well strengthen your dogs immune system and heal you pet, not just mask symptoms like steriods and bronchodillators. You dont need to do the capsules if you buy this. But if you need stuff ASAP you can get the capsules at any Sprouts , Whole Foods, or health food store




MOST MANUFACTURED DOG FOOD / ("Taste of the wild" is one that is pretty good though). consider that it may be a food allergy. Most common eggs, dairy, corn, soy, chicken strips (no china), etc.

My dog is eating chicken, yam, turkey diet presently.

Best of LUCK. HOpe this Helps. :)


Replied by Rajeev (Palakkad, Kearala, India) on 10/15/2012

2 Known remedies for Asthma in india include honey and Turmeric. Turmeric in water could cure a range of disease and asthma too. 1/4 teaspoon of turmeric would do. Honey may be allergic to few dogs but if your dog is not allergic to honey, have him lick it off your finger, preferably in the mornings.

Note this is not a wonder drug. It takes 15 to 20 days to show significant results. Continue remedy till you find no signs. No side effects even if you want to continue later on.


Replied by Sazie (Birmingham, Alabama, Usa) on 10/16/2012

Rajeev, I've heard that tumeric is good for humans also (but it tastes awful). Do have any idea if it would be safe for cats? Thanks!

Replied by Gina (Texas) on 07/27/2013

Re turmeric for pets- I used to give my cat and dog leftover rice, they would never eat the yellow (turmeric) rice! Nor chicken made with turmeric. Turn their noses right up!

Replied by Margo (New Mexico, US) on 09/17/2014

I have a 1-1/2 year old 50 lb dog that developed a bad cough over a two month period this summer, and began having trouble breathing on a regular basis. She was given a 2-week course of antibiotics which did nothing. Over time it seemed it became more like respiratory attacks rather than a chronic cold/cough. It seemed like asthma. Exercise seemed to trigger it and make it worse. The vet ran a bunch of tests about a month ago, and $600 later we had ruled out many things, like lungworm and pneumonia. They wanted to do a bronchoscopy next, but before I went that route (because it's expensive, requires anesthesia, and not necessarily definitive wrt diagnosis), I decided to see if there were dietary changes that might help, and decided to give this experiment one week to test.

I researched for a full day online regarding alternative/natural cures for asthma, in people and dogs, and as a result, decided on this protocol: mega doses of buffered, powder Vitamin C (right now, we're at 2000 mg per day, given in 4 separate doses for max absorption), 2 tsp raw, chopped garlic/day (1 tsp per 30# body weight is very safe in dogs), and salmon oil supplement plus canned wild salmon added to her food. She went from very ill to 95% better in about 3 days. She's been running like her crazy self the last 3 days, fully off leash and at full speed, and has only coughed twice and wheezed once. So, I'm sticking with this for now, and it marvels me how such simple nutritional changes can make such a difference in a creature's health.


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