Seeking Correct Dosage of Essiac Tea for Cat

Posted By Lisa (Hamburg, Pa) on 04/05/2016

Mammary Lumps:

My cat, Muffin, has one large lump and a smaller one next to one of nipples about midway on her belly. We have been treating her with mushrooms & vitamin c, but the tumor has doubled in size in the past three weeks. Now I have increased the vitamin c and am adding Essiac tea to her food. I have also filled a tea ball with the tea mixture and poured about 7oz of boiling water over it. I plan to give her the tea as soon as it cools. I read someone that I shouldn't administer anymore than 1/2 tsp/day, as it could cause lose bowels. She last weighed about 9lbs. What is the dosage for cats? I am so worried about her. Muffin is 15 years old and is a tortoise shell baby.


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