Seeking remedies for morning cluster seizures in dog

Posted By Navya (India) on 01/14/2015

My dog (2 year old) has seizures, we are medicating (phenobarbitone). It stopped for some weeks. We are continuing the medicine, but in recent times again my dog is affecting with cluster seziures, specifically during early mornings. Please find me some solution.

Replied by Katie (Northport, Ny) on 01/14/2015


You might want to look into a supplement called Vetri-Science Cell Advance 880. From the reviews I've read, this has ended the seizures in many of the reviewer's dogs.

Also, if you dog is on phenobarbital, you must protect your dog's liver by giving it something like milk thistle, otherwise the phenobarbitol will destroy it's liver. This happened to a friend's dog who was not aware of the dangerous side effects of this med and the dog died from liver failure.


Replied by Suseeq (Sydney, Australia) on 01/14/2015

Navya , my dog suffered with seizures about four or five days a week, I gave her a zinc tablet once a day. She went down to having 2 in a year and they were very mild. Hope this helps

Replied by Phyllis (Tuscumbia, Alabama) on 01/21/2015

Hello Navya

I have two Boston Terriers who have seizures and I refuse to give my dogs phenobarbital, so here's what I giving them;

Doc Ackerman's Epilepsy Seizure Formula, 100 mg magnesium (as citrate and malate) 1/8 teaspoon taurine powder, 1/8 teaspoon chlorella powder and 1/4 teaspoon liquid B vitamin complex. At night I give my girl a few drops of Bach's Rescue Remedy, my boy doesn't seem to need the BRR. I haven't had them on this for long but we've just made it through the first new moon seizure free in quite some time. Nor have they had any of the occasional between moon phase seizures they sometimes have.


Replied by Andrea May (North Port Fl) on 07/27/2016

Like to know how the mg amount on the zinc tablet u give your dog. Thanks for your help.

Replied by Suseeq (Sydney Australia) on 07/28/2016

Andrea, What I did with my dog being a half kelpie border collie - I gave her half adult dose once a day in her evening meal and she went from 4 or 5 a week to about 2 per year and they were very mild. But it is not a over night cure she got better and better. I kept her on this all her life.

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