Searching for something i can do for dog w multiple issues

Posted By Ann (Bethpage, Tn) on 11/13/2011

I am desperately searching for something I can do for my 8 1/2 year old Red Nosed Pitbull.

Liver: One large (3.5 cm) mass in right lobe of liver lateral to the gallbladder; mass had mixed echogenecity with cystic structures; another mass of similar size in the left lobe of the liver; several smaller hypoechoic masses noted throughout the liver parenchyma;

Gallbladder & Common Bile Duct: Normal wall thickness; normal content echogenecity;

Spleen: One large (> 6 cm) mass at tail of spleen; mass had mixed echogenecity with cystic structures; several smaller masses throughout spleen.

Scooby was presented for recurrent anemia. Abdominal palpation revealed a probable mid-abdominal mass and ultrasound unfortunately revealed liver and splenic vascular masses consistent with hemangiosarcoma. I discussed treatment options with Ms. McManus if Scooby's masses were limited to the spleen but the presence of multiple liver masses precludes surgical intervention and hemangiosarcoma is not responsive to chemotherapy. We can always pursue chemotherapy if Ms. McManus wanted to try something, but statistics have demonstrated that survivability in hemangiosarcoma patients is not affected by chemotherapy treatments. I recommended that Ms. McManus try to keep Scooby as comfortable as possible.

If anyone can advise me on what to do it would be greatly appreciated. There is so much info on this site it is overwhelming.


Replied by Moco (South Lyon, Michigan) on 11/16/2011

I have sick dog, enlarged spleen lymph nodes and tired. is an area vet with holistic approaches.

I also started using BSST from

THe holistic community uses a barrage of herbs and stuff. Some are living longer and miraclying cured? The poison pharma community has tried methods for people but it appears to suck for pets.

I am looking for holistic vets to replace my current vets for they are now useless to me and rude to boot.


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