Remedies needed for feral cats bad eye

Posted By Jessica (Pa, US) on 10/03/2014

I have a feral cat and is skittish too, he came for dinner tonight and his one eye is cloudy with greenish pus. Any suggestions how to help him since the vet is out of the question????

Replied by Om (Hope, Bc, Canada) on 10/05/2014

Jessica --- the only thing I can think of is colloidal silver in liberal quantity mixed into the food. Since silver kills bacteria and virus, it would reduce the load. There needs to be also once a week probiotics.

Namaste, Om


Replied by Om (Hope, Bc, Canada) on 10/06/2014

Hello Jessica --- do you have a cat shelter/rescue organization? If so, try to contact them and will probably know what to do. I hope you get my post. Om

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