Remedies Needed for Dog with Glaucoma and Pain

Posted By Kathi (Bucks Co. Pa) on 02/16/2016

My 9lb Yorkshire Terrier was diagnosed last night with acute glaucoma. His pressure #was 48, and our vet advised us to take him to the Emergency Cares facility in our area. That vet drained to fluid and got the pressure down to 15. He sent us home with 2 different drops and some ointment for inflamation and instructions to have the pressure checked everyday to see if the drops could control it. Duffy is very lethargic and unlike himself. We're wondering if there are any homeopathic remedies and how much /often to give him. Also, is there something we can give him to alleviate his pain?
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Replied by Soazburrolady (Southern Az) on 02/17/2016

Hi Kathi. Some of the classes of glaucoma medication (for people) cause bradycardia, or an abnormally slow heartbeat. Is it possible that this is causing your pup's lethargy? Maybe a change in type of drop would help. Or, if available to you, a surgical procedure could eliminate the need for medication. The surgery creates a shunt for the fluid causing the high pressure and is a permanent solution. I don't recommend surgery lightly, but this is one of the really effective ones. All the best to you and your pup.

Replied by Om (Hope, Bc Canada) on 02/20/2016

Kathi ( Bucks Co. Pa.)

Just to let you know that veterinary meds for glaucoma are very damaging for the liver and kidney. You may want to research GreenMedInfo about black seed oil which is good for glaucoma and many other conditions.

Namaste, Om

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