Need Cure for Mammary Gland Tumor in 14 Year Old Dog

Posted By Xenia (Arizona ) on 11/13/2022

Need a cure for cancer dog 14 years old

Hello, my dog chihuahua Bonita (14.5) just had a surgery for the tumor removed . The results suggest a metastatic or malignant mammary carcinoma which is one of the most common types of mammary gland tumors. She is feeling better, and she became very active; her stitches removed. I am very concerned about her treatment.. I ordered salmon oil and Mercola dogs mushrooms complex as supplements, and I think DMSO /Colloquial Silver maybe I will do as a topical treatment.

Also CBD oil helped her a lot during the first week after surgery.

Please help me with any suggestions.

Thank you,

Best, Xenia

REPLY   1      

Replied by Linda (Colorado ) on 11/14/2022

Hi, I just got me a Colloidal Silver machine from The Silver Edge .com —— You would not believe how many pets were cured from all kinds of stuff .I highly recommend getting on website and looking at all the articles that people with testimonies of all kinds of pets being healed as well as us humans . If you buy the machine it’s literally Pennie’s on the dollar to make compared to buying it in a healthfood store. I use to buy it online but no more I’m making my own! It’s worth every penny you pay to buy a machine! I can’t say enough how it’s helped me . I haven’t been sick with a cold since 2019 when I discovered how great colloidal silver is In getting rid of colds and flu. I used it on an infected tooth and within two days infection was gone. And all the ways you can disinfect with using it as a household cleaner.hope this helps you!!!

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